Category "multilabel-classification"

What should be the class mode for training a multilabel classification model?

I am working on an image classification task to classify among cars and buses. The problem is that in most car images, there is buses in the background and vice

How to calculate unbalanced weights for BCEWithLogitsLoss in pytorch

I am trying to solve one multilabel problem with 270 labels and i have converted target labels into one hot encoded form. I am using BCEWithLogitsLoss(). Since

What is the difference between OneVsRestClassifier and MultiOutputClassifier in scikit learn?

Can someone please explain (with example maybe) what is the difference between OneVsRestClassifier and MultiOutputClassifier in scikit-learn? I've read docume

huggingface transformers convert logit scores to probability

I'm a beginner to this field and am stuck. I am following this tutorial (