Category "mulesoft"

How to remove %20 (URI encoded space) after split function in Mule 3

I'm using a split function to create an array from the results, so I can use the foreach loop. The foreach loop contain HTTP request connector that takes the ar

How to extract a nested array value frm XML in DataWeave and convert to CSV

I am getting this value from the database <row> <file_data>One</file_data> <time_inserted>2019-01-30T10:29:20.543</time_inserted>

Mulesoft : HTML to JSON conversion?

Is it possible to convert an html input to JSON using mulesoft? For my case specifically, I am trying to convert an HTML table to JSON arrays. Input: <ta

How to add #[payload] as value in the query params Mule 3

Unfortunately I haven't been able to solve it yet. I'd really appreciate it if someone could look into it. thanks everyone I run into an issue with Mule 3 is th

How to access the MuleSoft Mule Management Console (MMC) REST API?

How can we access the MuleSoft's Mule Management Console (MMC) RESTful API? They provided the URL "http://localhost:8585/mmc-console-3.7.3/api/deployments". and

Mulesoft dataweave streaming behaviour in case of objects

I've been trying to understand dataweave streaming in case collections and object. In case of collections it works as expected for example in the below paylod [