Category "kernel-density"

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

How can I find the mode (a number) of a kde histogram in python

I want to determine the X value that has the highest pick in the histogram. The code to print the histogram: fig=sns.displot(data=df, x='degrees', hue="TYPE", k

Does a plug-in selector bivariate kernel density estimator with weights exist for python?

I am trying to calculate the kernel density estimate for a set of weighted bivariate data points. I am currently using KDEpy.FFTKDE. However, this does not prov