Category "material-ui"

MaterialUI Appbar with Tabs - can it be scrollable AND fullwidth

I would like my tab buttons to spread out across the entire screen. When the screen width is too skinny to fit all the tabs, I would like the scroll buttons to

How best to create custom styled components in MUI

seemingly simple problem: Example Background: we have many lists of items and render them in the UI with <List>. Example Problem: we usually (but not alwa

MUI Datagrid duplicate row and data

I want to know if there is a way to duplicate the specific row with data on it using material-ui Data Grid? I hope someone could help me. Thanks in advances! Bt

Append a button at the end of Autocomplete options in Material-UI

I am trying to create an autocomplete component that a person will use to select an item from a list of items, I've done that, no issues. The problem is thatI a

Full height & width without scrollbar in Material UI React app

I am trying to render a page for full height. But it adds a scrollbar which is undesirable. With 100% height, I mean just the size of the screen. Here is the d

ReactJs: grouping data based on job title

As it is clear in the picture, I have works, and each job has a level(junior, senior, mid-level) and amount, and as it is clear in the picture, I have a "Team

Changing Theme with Material ui V.5 - Compiling error Importing styles

I need help using material ui custom theme. It get Error in style components. I have already installed the following: npm install @mui/material @emotion/react @

What is a prevRowCountState in mui-data-grid?

Server pagination, I understand the logic but can't figure out how does the grid know the value of prevRowCountState. Is it a undocumented thing, prefix a const

disable other buttons using

I have ten expansion panels. on click of one button in one expansion panel I need to disable other buttons in other expansion panel but the problem is when I tr

Dynamically adjust ImageList columns based on screen size?

I've tried using ImageList component instead of Grid as I just need a grid of photos with titles and it seems to be the whole point of ImageList. My issue is th

material-ui v4.0.1 warning "Expected an element that can hold a ref"

I upgraded to material-ui v4.0.1 and I see that Modals now require a forwarded ref. I'm having some trouble implementing a fix for this using class components a

Material UI responsive grid direction

I want the container direction as "row" above md size screen and "column" below md size screen? How can I implement it? <Grid container direction = "row"(in

Material-UI theme not working in shared-component

I'm building a reusable shared-component library using material-ui which is being imported in my main app like this: import { theme, StepperComponent } from '@c

MenuIcon not found in MUI

I'm trying to implement a appbar from mui which is include a MenuIcon. I've tried import MenuIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Menu'; from mui documentation. But i

Material-UI InputLabel covers text when Input value set by another Input field

I am creating a form with Material UI. The form has two sections. One is the user's shipping address, and the other is the billing address. In many circumstance

Material-UI InputLabel covers text when Input value set by another Input field

I am creating a form with Material UI. The form has two sections. One is the user's shipping address, and the other is the billing address. In many circumstance

CSS showing differently for Deployed then localhost when moved from material-ui version 4 to mui version 5

Image for Development Environment: Image for localhost: As is visible jss6 css is what is coming from makeStyles-sidebar 6 but on deployed version there is so

react material table export button not view correct

[in my react use export button material table not show complete bar my code i use the source code in material table: options= {{exportButton:true }} how solvet

In React Router v6, how to check form is dirty before leaving page/route

Below are the package versions I'm using. React version - 16.13.1 react-router-dom version - 6.0.0-beta.0 react-redux version 7.2.0 Material UI version 4.11.0

Material ui date picker formatting

I want show "Today" text instead of DD/MM/YYYY Eg: when we use datepicker browser show something like 20/1/2009 But I want "Today" instead of that date