Category "machine-learning"

How to apply StandardScaler in Pipeline in scikit-learn (sklearn)?

In the example below, pipe = Pipeline([ ('scale', StandardScaler()), ('reduce_dims', PCA(n_components=4)), ('clf', SVC(kernel = 'linear

RandomForestClassifier instance not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method

I am trying to train a decision tree model, save it, and then reload it when I need it later. However, I keep getting the following error: This DecisionTre

Use multiple time-series to train model

Is there any way to use multiple time-series to train one model and use this model for predictions given a new time-series as an input? It is rather a theoretic

Plot scikit-learn (sklearn) SVM decision boundary / surface

I am currently performing multi class SVM with linear kernel using python's scikit library. The sample training data and testing data are as given below: Mode

How do I remove nonsensical or incomplete words from a corpus?

I am using some text for some NLP analyses. I have cleaned the text taking steps to remove non-alphanumeric characters, blanks, duplicate words and stopwords, a

For loop in Label encoding and one hot encoder

My Data set contains categorical variables so I am using label encoding and one hot encoder and my code is as follows can I use a loop to ensure that my cod

Pandas and scikit-learn: KeyError: [....] not in index

I do not understand why do I get the error KeyError: '[ 1351 1352 1353 ... 13500 13501 13502] not in index' when I run this code: cv = KFold(n_splits=10) fo

for printing image the following error is hapening

CODE import numpy as np import cv2 from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow img=cv2.imread('/gdrive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/merlin_190860876_3e2e2660-237f-4

Saving the weights of a Pytorch .pth model into a .txt or .json

I am trying to save the the weights of a pytorch model into a .txt or .json. When writing it to a .txt, #import torch model = torch.load("model_path") string =

True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate (TPR, FPR) for Multi-Class Data in python [duplicate]

How do you compute the true- and false- positive rates of a multi-class classification problem? Say, y_true = [1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0,

True Positive Rate and False Positive Rate (TPR, FPR) for Multi-Class Data in python [duplicate]

How do you compute the true- and false- positive rates of a multi-class classification problem? Say, y_true = [1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0,

Accumulate 1 and Reset to 0 once condition is met

Currently I have a dataset below and I try to accumulate the value if ColA is 0 while reset the value to 0 (restart counting again) if the ColA is 1 again. Col

How i can extracte x_train and y_train from train_generator?

In my CNN model I want to extract X_train and y_train from train_generator. I want to use ensemble learning, bagging and boosting to evaluate the model. the mai

How to use the output of a CNN as the input of another in an autonomous vehicle

I am developing a mini autonomous car using 3 CNNs and a camera sensor using this approach. One of the CNNs detects lanes on the images and outputs images wit

ValueError: Please initialize `TimeDistributed` layer with a `Layer` instance

I'm trying to build a model which can be trained on both audio and video samples but I get this error ValueError: Please initialize `TimeDistributed` layer with

What should be the class mode for training a multilabel classification model?

I am working on an image classification task to classify among cars and buses. The problem is that in most car images, there is buses in the background and vice

How can I use tensorflow to create a recommendation system that returns a ratings matrix?

I am trying to use Tensorflow to create a recommendation system. What I want to do is to read data from two csv files, one containing 'item_id' and the other co

How to extract 'image' and 'label' out of Tensorflow?

I've loaded in my train and validation sets from CIFAR10 like so: train = tfds.load('cifar10', split='train[:90%]', shuffle_files=True) validation = tfds.load('

Comparing MSE loss and cross-entropy loss in terms of convergence

For a very simple classification problem where I have a target vector [0,0,0,....0] and a prediction vector [0,0.1,0.2,....1] would cross-entropy loss converge

Determining cosine similarity for large datasets

I am currently using a dataset of over 2.5 million images, of which I use the image itself as a comparison to eachother, for use in a content-based recommendati