Category "wsdl"

SOAP Request in Flutter/Dart

I need to make a SOAP request to a .NET Webservice (WSDL) with Flutter. This webservice has an basic auth (user, password) and some services with pre-defined e

PHP SOAP insert data StructType wsdltophp

I am working in a project where I must call SOAP WS. I used WSDLtoPHP, that's really helpful. I can READ data, and now I would like to create new item with the

Zeep Client WSDL Request Unexpected Keyword Argument

I'm trying to write a request to a SOAP API based upon an EntityId. I was unable to pull the services listed using python -mzeep because there is a certificate/

How to generate web service client from WSDL (like a pro), when address is changing frequently?

I have to consume some service on ESB which has addresses: for dev env: for test env: https://esbte

Create WSDL for an ASP.Net Core ApiController

I am creating a service using ASP.Net Core. The service is based on the ApiController. [ApiController] public class XmlALaCarteServiceController : ControllerBa

POST changes to OPTIONS + Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header

XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is pr

Best practice: WebLogic SOAP service -- should WSDL be visible?

I am going to deploy a SOAP web service on a WebLogic server. The endpoint of the service is something like:

Generating and accessing WSDL on Tomcat with Maven

I have a JAX-WS server that I package with Maven and deploy on Tomcat. The pom.xml generates the WSDL file automatically with the trick from Use Maven to trigge when invoking WSDL service

I was looking to use the Travelport Universal API to develop a Flight Booking System, so i have used this Travelport Developers official link as reference: Get

How do I configure beans for a static wsdl, which is importing a root xsd of a hierarchical structure?

I am implementing soap web services in a Spring environment. The xsd and wsdl definitions come from an external company, and I've implemented the endpoints alre

WSDL Endpoint configuration in .NET Core

I'm trying to work with WSDL using .NET core. Currently, I'm able to import the WSDL and the related files are generated: The structure is done in the right

calling server using nusoap with complextype

i am calling a client in a browser, and sending an array of arrays as a parameter to a server function, it return mein first key value pair that fine, but it on

VBA Calling WSDL simple method with 1 parameter XMLHTTP

I need some help Calling a wsdl web service function. The WSDL have one function named "Bye" that is waiting for 1 parameter of a type String. Then it gives bac

IWAB0399E Error in generating Java from WSDL: Type {}array is referenced but not defined

I am getting IWAB0399E Error in generating Java from WSDL: Type {}array is referenced but not defined' whi

What should I do to handle WebServiceException:

I have a web service deployed on localhost. I generated the stubs using the wsimport command on the deployment server. I then used the generated stub in my clie

passing an array to web-service php nusoap

i have a problem with passing an array to a web-service function that i created with php and nusoap. the problem is that i guess i'm doing something wrong.. i s

How to set headers in Soap Request Java

I am facing issue in forming a SOAP request. In that request i am supposed to add username , password and some other info in header part not the part of payloa

PHP SoapClient: set a namespace without prefix

I'm consuming a WSDL SOAP service using PHP's SoapClient. Here's the relevant bits of the WSDL: