Category "mac-catalyst"

How can I access a custom variable in the SceneDelegate from the ViewController?

I know how to access the scene delegate: self.view.window.windowScene.delegate And the window: UIScene *scene = [[[[UIApplication sharedApplication] connectedS

UIDocumentPickerViewController in SwiftUI on mac (macCatalyst)

So I've been meddling with "moving" a small SwiftUI iPad app to the Mac, and I've hit a bit of a speed bump with UIDocumentPickerViewController. I have wrapped

How to popup a document picker in ios and macos using catalyst

I'm trying to popup a document picker using mac catalyst, but all I get is a blank screen. All works well on ios 13.2.2 on iPad and iPhone, but not on macos 10

UIDocumentPickerViewController doesn't show any contents on Mac Catalyst

UIDocumentPickerViewController works on iOS but not on Mac Catalyst. Is there any alternatives to workaround this issue? BTW, NSOpenPanel is unavailable on Mac