Category "lua"

Scroll the full js webpage using lua script to get the full source code

I want to scroll and get the full webpage source code using lua script. as example ( ) I want to scroll this full website to get the full source

Why does calling lua_newuserdata result in SIGSEGV Segmentation Fault?

I'm trying to identify why a call to lua_newuserdata result in SIGSEGV. The gdb backtrace is : Thread 2 "main.o" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [S

neovim init.lua module "lua.plguins" not found

I'm in the configuration neovim I added the configuration file in C:\Users\wupan\AppData\Local\nvim\init.lua require("lua.plugins") and C:\Users\wupan\AppData\

Love2d "bad argument #2 to 'draw' (Quad expected, got nil)"

I am currently trying to make a flappy bird copy and I am having trouble when attempting to spawn in pipes (when a pipe should spawn I get the following error:

Fix warp in recaster (lua)

function RENDER_RAY(plr,rayNumber,Ray_Distance,RayAmount,rayAngle) local theta = plr.angle - FOV/2 local diss = Ray_Distance * math.cos(math.rad(theta -

Getting a response status code with lua-request

How is it possible to get the response status code of a request using lua-http ? If that is not possible with it what module/library should i use ?

My object is glitching out because of the way I make it move

I'm working on a game with my friend, and we are making an object move around a house and go to random points. The thing is, if it moves higher up on the X axis

Lua error in simple code for logitech mouse

i am trying to make a script for logitech mouse that : when i aim on a game mouse 3 and press fire the mouse goes fast down for about 0.5 secs and the rest of t

Error Trying to Draw Platforms in Lua/Love2D

New to Lua/Game dev in general here. I'm trying to write a code to draw the background of my game. I have four different spritesheets for things related to sett

Start roblox script with RemoteEvent

How i can do something like that and fix this (i learn script) local Event = game.ReplicatedStorage.SoundPlayEventWirlord Event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(

How to make other scripts change leaderstats?

im playing roblox and i wanna make a script so when you sell your capacity your money goes up by that amount. ill provide all scripts below. local MaxCapacity =

How to make other scripts change leaderstats?

im playing roblox and i wanna make a script so when you sell your capacity your money goes up by that amount. ill provide all scripts below. local MaxCapacity =

lua get file extension first occurrence

So i have a url like so I want to match only the first provided file extension provided not any others peo

Error while trying to open 'Love2d' game engine

I'm trying to open a game with Love2D and the following error occurs: Error boot.lua:577: Cannot load game at path '/home/panali/Desktop/

How do I chance the size of hotkeys_popup.show_help

My short key help is not tall enough to show all my shortcuts. Mod4 + s is the default binding to see the short cuts, when I use it I can see that the list is c

My timer script for minecraft is not working... lua

I have a problem with my minecraft timer script I tried to add a function that saves the time values from worlds in a document. The timer worked completly fine

How to filter a Lua array inplace?

How to filter a Lua array inplace? For example, having an array of { 1, 5, 7 } and a function function(elem) return elem > 1 end, the inplace filtering func

VLC-LUA: using net.stat

I am trying to write a function that finds the first .waste dir in one of the parent dirs (e.g. .. ../.. ../../..). For this I need to see if the dir exists. F

Lua - Can I pick the specific result(s) I want from a function that returns multiple results

Is there a way to choose the result(s) I want from a function that returns multiple results . E.g. local function FormatSeconds(secondsArg) local weeks = m

Attempt to index global 'object' (a nil value)

So this is the error I have been getting: Game.lua:66: attempt to index global 'Spears' (a nil value) stack traceback: Game.lua:66: in