Category "loopbackjs"

Hide nested properties in loopback model

I am creating a loopback model (model1) which refers to another model and want to hide some properties of the nested model (model2). Also, I just want them to b

Nodejs Https get Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I'm trying to get a filtered record from loopback, but I don't understand why nodejs gives error on fallowing commands: const https = require('https'); var

PayloadTooLargeError on loopback 3

I need to save base64 image in loopback model. When i'm saving base64 image i get an error saying . I have tried updating in middleware same added below, i have

How to set a different Http Status in loopback 4

I can't find any ressources on how to change the success HTTP code using loopback 4. For example : 201 "created" on post method 204 "no content" on delete me

How to filter related models (hasMany relation) using where in LoopBack 3

Customer hasMany relationship with jobs Filtering by the top-level property works as shown below Customer.find({ include: ["jobs"],where :{username:"mel"} },