Category "localhost"

Selenium/Powershell/Linux: Connection refused [::ffff:]:39343 (localhost:39343)

I'm trying to use a chrome driver on a linux virtual machine. I use selenium on powershell. When I run the following command: $driver = Start-SeChrome Here i

apache vitual host (EAI 2)Name or service not known: AH00547: Could not resolve host name

i am getting this error my site can not start up (EAI 2)Name or service not known: AH00547: Could not resolve host name -- ignoring! my host conf

HTTP Error 418 (Teapot Error) on Link to FlightRadar24 When Server on Localhost

I am writing a Rails web application that presents OurAirports airport data to the user. One convenience I provide is a link to the FlightRadar24 web site for t

Is there a way to LAUNCH Flutter App on CHROME

I tried launching my flutter app, currently launching on MOBILE for WEB... This is the error I received after restarting following a BLANK WHITE SCREEN; Restart

Django admin site login error -"This site can’t be reached127.0.0.1 refused to connect."

I am developing a web app using Django 3.0.1 and python 3.7 for my college's final year project. Whenever I try to login to the admin page in the local host in

Can you help me to fix the connection with my DBeaver?

I don't speak English, sorry. I have this message to my DBeaver Can you help me to fix the problem ? Network error Motif: Network unavailable:

How to open bigbluebutton development environment running locally on linux in android phone browser

I have installed bigbluebutton development environment on my Linux and it is running locally, now i want to open the local app on my phone (android) so that i c

Docker file system not loading into localhost

Current I am working on a full stack application with a react frontend, mysql DB, and apache php instance. Something seems to be up with my changes going from m

Set cookies for cross origin requests

How to share cookies cross origin? More specifically, how to use the Set-Cookie header in combination with the header Access-Control-Allow-Origin? Here's an ex

Vendor Machine API's Postman Collection Issue

I am trying to create a postman collection for a Vendor machine API but when I try to send a login request localhost:3000/auth/login I get connect ECONNREFUSED

Cannot access Flink dashboard localhost:8081 on windows

I follow the first steps to install Flink. I can start the cluster without any problem $ Starting cluster. Starting standalonesession daemon on

Difference between Localhost and opening html file

What is the fundamental difference running a file using a server in localhost, and opening a file such as file:///Users/$user_name/$your_directory/index.html, a

Having a trouble with Google OAuth2. Can't sign up with google

Been facing this issue "You have created a new client application that uses libraries for user authentication or authorization that will soon be deprecated. New

localhost is currently unable to handle this request HTTP ERROR 500 in Codeigniter3

I use MAMP for MAC and I had a project on my local. It worked well. I decided to update this project and downloaded from my web server after what localhost show

How can i list data from table in the database in a browser

I'm developing a web application using reactjs nodejs and mysql database. I want to list the data created in a table i created in the database in the browser

Your connection is not private NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

I am facing strange issue on chrome while debugging local ASP.NET application on chrome. I am not able to open localhost without https. With Https it's giving e

Take full localhost webpage screenshot (Firefox, Windows)?

I need to take a full screenshot of a localhost page I'm working on. Print Screen button offers me no solution to this nor the Alt-Print Screen does, as they ta

How do I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows? [closed]

How can I remove the current process/application which is already assigned to a port? For example: localhost:8080

How to access localhost on a chromebook

I'm using Spck editor on a Google Chromebook to do some coding (localhost:7700), but localhost isn't working when trying to preview in browser. I just get an ER

Error starting "XAMPP" stack another instance seems to be running at PID 455

Hi so nothing new has happened on my Mac except maybe an update earlier today and now XAMPP won't start. It comes up with the error "another instance seems to b