Category "localdate"

java parse date with picosecond

I have a string date with picoseconds (between 9 to 12 digits after the period), and when I try to parse the date with the DateTimeFormatter : DateTimeFormatt

Comparing LocalDate using Hamcrest in Junit Test Case

I am my unit testing my REST Controller, one of whose field is LocalDate in my Test Case. Code below: @Test public void getByExternalTransactionId() throws E

String input of weekdays in German to Localdate

I have a string input of weekdays in German and need to get the next Localdate after today which corresponds to the given weekday string. If for example the inp

LocalDate: equals vs isEqual

LocalDate in Java has two similar methods equals and isEqual. What's the difference between them? When do they output different results?

Java LocalDate invalid date formatting

I have a script to get previous month for current date (script executed on 1st date monthly) the script return valid result for all other month except on Januar

Java LocalDate invalid date formatting

I have a script to get previous month for current date (script executed on 1st date monthly) the script return valid result for all other month except on Januar