Category "compose-desktop"

How to load image in Kotlin Compose desktop?

How to load images from the hard disk when using Kotlin compose on the desktop?

How to use .svg file in Jetpack Compose for Desktop?

I am trying to use a .svg (vector file) to show an image but I am stuck and not able to do it. Is there any way I can use it, I tried to use it like this Image(

Unable to bring window to foreground with compose desktop

With the following code the application window can be hidden using the button and restored using a global shortcut ALT+S. Now I would like to also use the short

Compose Desktop testing - how to check if something is visible?

Given some simple content: @Composable fun MyContent() { var showThing by remember { mutableStateOf(false) } if (showThing) { Box(Modifier.testT