Category "linux"

VirtualBox Screen Resolution Too Small During Installation [closed]

I'm trying to install a new Ubuntu distribution using VirtualBox, but on this particular distro (Pop!_OS), the initial screen resolution in Vi

Launching vim from python in a new terminal and waiting for it to close

I am trying to create a python script that Launches a new terminal window (in my case terminator) Open vim on a temporary or designated file Waits until vim/te

Selenium/Powershell/Linux: Connection refused [::ffff:]:39343 (localhost:39343)

I'm trying to use a chrome driver on a linux virtual machine. I use selenium on powershell. When I run the following command: $driver = Start-SeChrome Here i

error: failed to solve: failed to fetch oauth token: Post "": dial tcp: i/o timeout

I'm trying to build a docker image for my java file on my M1 max MacBook, my dockerfile: FROM openjdk:8-alpine COPY . /src/java WORKDIR /src/java RUN ["javac","

GNU parallel - running command through multiple ssh jumphosts

I need to run commands on multiple hosts accessible via multiple jumphosts. I have a slf file ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -nJ jumphost1,user@jumphost2 user@worker1

Pods CPU getting Throttled even when CPU usage is less than requested

CPU is getting throttled even when the CPU usage for the container is below request. From what I understand pods are scheduled at nodes where there is sufficien

Bluetooth on raspberry 4 without Linux

I'm working on non-Linux OS and now trying to enable bluetooth on Raspberry Pi 4. I have some necessary drivers such as: gpio, uart (pl011 and mini-uart), mailb

X11 Copy is returning only returning GDK_SELECTION, for CLIPBOARD Selection

I am writing a component which has to monitor changes in CLIPBOARD for a X11 window. auto display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); auto screen = DefaultScreen(mdisplay); a

NPM Installation Issues on Ubuntu: Installing Expo-Cli

I ran the command: npm install expo-cli and got these errors. I already upgraded npm on ubuntu. Do I need to install these tools one by one or there's somethin version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found on Linux

I was trying to load Seurat package in rstudio and got this error Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘Seurat’ in dyn.load(file, DLLpath = D

Error message "go: go.mod file not found in current directory or any parent directory; see 'go help modules'"

I just updated to the new version of Go - Go version 1.16.2 Linux/amd64 and am getting an error when I build a Hello, World! example: go: go.mod file not found

how to change access time of a file using utime and mktime syscalls and c++?

I was trying to change the access time of a file, but i didn't get the result i wanted. this is what i tried: struct tm time; time.tm_sec=56; time.tm_mi

How to convert RPM with dependencies to DEB package

I am trying to convert my RPM file to a DEB file. RPM file has post and pre-run scripts and some dependencies. I am using alien to convert the rpm file to deb:

This site can’t provide a secure connection core from dotnet linux

I am currently developing an API using core 2.1. When I use the ide visual studio 2019 in windows I don't have problems running the project, but now I

Can we unit test memory allocation?

I have to test a library that provides its own memory allocation routine: void* allocation_routine(size_t size) throw(); Documentation states that this funct

shell scripting nested loops. How to run inner loop along with the parent loop [duplicate]

I have two log files with the application names and the failed reasons , first.log Application 01 Application 02 Application 03 Applicatio

How to establish semaphore between two different files and synchronize data

I am currently working on semaphore concepts ,. I Have two files I have to share data between two files Eg : application1.c It increments one value and shares t

Unable to install PyAutoGui on Linux

I'm trying to install pyautogui, and have an error. I tried to install pyautogui on older python version, and have same error. I also tried to install all depen

Apache/PHP Correct permissions for uploading a binary that runs server side?

I've prepared a PHP browser interface (like a modem interface) for an embedded system, that is supposed to help manage the core application (uploading a new bin

start docker container interactively

I have a very simple dockerfile with only one row, namely "FROM ubuntu". I created an image from this dockerfile by the command docker build -t ubuntu_ . I know