Category "less"

React and LESS, use a dynamic value from process.env for variables

I have an app with React with LESS. I have a "mixins" LESS file like this: @STATICS: "https://should-be-set-on-env"; @STATICS_KEY: "key-should-be-set-on-env";

How to compile Less/Sass files in Visual Studio 2017+

In VS <= 2015 we can use a WebEssentials extension that takes care for compiling the less/sass files for us, but currently it does not support VS 2017. Is th

Separate PHP script in a cron job

I have about 10 accounts. Also, I have a cron job with php script which executes every minute. This script is working for each client one by one. The problem is

Use custom theme - next.js, less, ant design

my goal is to modify default theme in antdesign but I cant achieve it. I even move from sass to less but still something won't work. I tried probably everything

How can we do operations with :root variables (css vars) in LESS?

I´m trying to make operations with the root variables using less. For example :root{ --padding-md: 5px; } @padding-md: ~'var(--padding-md)'; // we get

Twitter Bootstrap set badge to no fill (or outline)?

Anyone know how to change a twitter bootstrap badge (or label) from solid to outlined?