Category "laravel-5.7"

Composer fails with kylekatarnls/update-helper on new homestead

I have installed a homestead on a new computer. I have pulled my code (which is working on my other computer as well as the server). My project is made in Larav

Create a new instance of a Laravel model with children models

At the moment, whenever I need to create a new instance of a Laravel model that has child models, I need to create the model in the controller, then loop over a

(Laravel) How to delete multiple models including optional relationships?

Summary I'm trying to let my model controller delete multiple models (selected by an array of IDs) including their selected related models (selected by an arra

Limit login attempts in Laravel 5.7

I have Laravel 5.7 project with custom login. How can I let Laravel accept three login attempts after that redirect for page waiting to 2 or 3 min, etc? public