Category "flutter-navigation"

Match child height size in a Navigator widget

I had a problem with the Navigator widget: I need to match the child widget height. My Navigator widget is inside an Expanded widget but when I change route to

Match child height size in a Navigator widget

I had a problem with the Navigator widget: I need to match the child widget height. My Navigator widget is inside an Expanded widget but when I change route to

Flutter : Hot reload / Hot restart showing white screen with debug banner?

In my flutter app , when I try to hot reload or hot restart , after process complete , the reloaded screen shows for a second and then went whole white only the

How to remove backstack including home page in flutter

I have seen many examples but none of them providing me a way to remove the entire back stack(including the home page) while navigating to the next page. Eg:

Flutter Navigate to a Page as Root page

Currently, I have Navigation Stack PageA => PageB => PageC I want to pus Push PageD as the root page So the final result would be =>PageD How can I ach

Flutter: Error says - Could not find a generator for route RouteSettings while trying to navigate to another screen

Although questions with such error messages exist in this site, none solves my problem. I have a button and on clicking the button, I just need to go to a diffe

How to fix black screen in flutter while Navigating?

I am creating a multi-paged app on flutter. When I am using the navigation in it, I am getting a black screen. import 'package:flutter/material.dart';