Category "mobx-react"

MobX React: Define a observer hook

I'm trying to define my own hooks in a MobX project which depend on mobx observables. But it's not possible to wrap a hook with observer() because observer() mu

Version Issue in integrating mobx-react in app

I received this error for my app sample-login-page while running npm update npm ERR! code ERESOLVE npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree npm ERR!

When should I use observer in mobx-react?

I'm doing on migration all of my class component to functional component using mobx-react I wonder all of my components should wrapped by observer or not. I gu

Whats the difference between @observable and @observable.ref modifiers in mobx?

Mobx supports both @observable and @observable.ref modifiers and their official doc says observable: This is the default modifier, used by any observable. It

React not rerendering after mobx observer change

Upon page load, I see "hi2" When I click the button, nothing happens. I tried with setUser as well. I suspect I'm just editing the props themselves and somehow

Detect when mobx observable has changed

Is it possible to detect when an observable changes in any way? For instance, say you have this: @observable myObject = [{id: 1, name: 'apples'}, {id: 2, name