Category "jekyll"

How Change Url Path for Jekyll Blog on a GitHub Subdirectory?

Good day, I wrote a site builder. Source here : and I installed my site ( in subdirect

Liquid::SyntaxError with Plotly in Markdown files using Jekyll

Trying to convert an .ipynb notebook to Markdown that contains Plotly charts for use in a Jekyll site (hosted on GitHub Pages). I'm running into this error: Liq

GitHub pages post links not working

I'm trying to get a Git Hub pages blog to work (, but when I go to the link my posts are supposed to be on the link does

Force Jekyll to re-read files in a collection to _site after a Hook runs

I've written a Hook for my Jekyll site that takes a .json file from my _data directory, creates a bunch of .md files from it's content and stores them in a _col

Could not find public_suffix-2.0.4 in any of the sources

It started when I tried to add the Google Tag Manager Gem to my local installation of Jekyll. A little background here, I'm using homebrew and rbenv. My r

Jekyll error on Ubuntu 22.04 (wrong number of arguments)

Previously, jekyll was working correctly After I upgraded my OS to Ubuntu 22.04 my local jekyll gives me this error. bundle exec jekyll serve Configuration file

js and css not loading when hosting next application on GitHub pages

Next.js builds all the static assets in _next folder but Github pages does not need to serve those files. I am 404 for static assets. Example repo: https://git

Locale specific date in jekyll

I am trying out jekyll for website creation. I am using jekyll-bootstrap. The default configuration has the page archive, where all the posts are listed group

Jekyll how to display an image in a post

I am trying to follow the Jekyll docs and am stuck on how to display an image --- layout: post title: "My first post!" date: 2016-10-20 16:17:57 +0200 categ

Lighthouse GitLab CI for a Jekyll website times out

I haven't found any complete examples for Jekyll + Lighthouse GitLab jobs. The Jekyll build job is based on the ruby:2.6 image. I added a report stage into my .