Category "systemd"

How to only show output from shell script that is running as a service?

I write a shell script and installed it on systemctl to run on startup, everything works fine, however if i run "systemctl status myservice" it shows all my scr

Virtual wlan interface with systemd-netword

i would like to ask how i can add a virtual wifi interface permanently on a system that runs systemd-networkd. The purpose is to have 2 access points (2.4/5ghz)

Setting up gunicorn.service [Service] for Django app

Following the documentation and online tutorials on setting up my gunicorn.service results in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my-app' when I run sudo syst

Why does Systemd_Wants not pass a parameter to a service file from a udev "Remove" rule?

I am trying to use udev rules and systemd to mount and unmount a USB key. I am basing my solution below on an example from this blog where ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS} is

Error running systemctl to start service in Amazon Linux 2

I am trying to build a simple Apache/PHP server using the Amazon Linux 2 image. I have the following: Dockerfile FROM amazonlinux:2 RUN amazon-linux-extras ins

Add dependency between two systemd services to start again if one of them is killed

I have two systemd services A.service and B.service in /etc/systemd/system/ directory. Below is the configuration in A.service [Unit] Description=A Service [Se

SystemD service script will work on Systemctl start {service script} but not on reboot

I am trying to right a systemd service script to perform a task on reboot. Below is the script and it works when I run 'systemctl start script.service but not w