Category "jax-ws"

Generating and accessing WSDL on Tomcat with Maven

I have a JAX-WS server that I package with Maven and deploy on Tomcat. The pom.xml generates the WSDL file automatically with the trick from Use Maven to trigge

Jboss wildfly is using default docker default address instead of server address when doing soap requests

I'm using Jboss wildfly to serve a soap service. I have deployed it to the server using docker. When providing a URL for the WSDL my server address of

Porting from Java 8 to 11: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found, how to change implementation?

I'm trying to port an old Java 8 webapp containing JAX-WS based webservices to Java 11 and Tomcat 9 on Windows 10. Note that this app is not using Maven or any

How to set headers in Soap Request Java

I am facing issue in forming a SOAP request. In that request i am supposed to add username , password and some other info in header part not the part of payloa