Category "go-http"

Add headers for each HTTP request using client

I know that I can add headers to each HTTP request manually using cli := &http.Client{} req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://myhost", nil) req.Heade

in tests mux.Vars() returns nil instead of expected map

I have a Gorilla Mux router setup inside a function that returns *mux.Router, goes like this func MakeApp(services service.Service, pe PolicyEnforce) *mux.Route

in tests mux.Vars() returns nil instead of expected map

I have a Gorilla Mux router setup inside a function that returns *mux.Router, goes like this func MakeApp(services service.Service, pe PolicyEnforce) *mux.Route

tls: no renegotiation error on HTTP request

I'm trying to make a simple HTTP request in Go, after directly following the guides I keep getting the same error: local error: tls: no renegotiation I don't