Category "java-8"

filter objects based on an ID and Date Java

I have a class that for which each instance has a unique Id, a name and update date. ID NAME UPDATE DATE 1200 ANNA* 2022-03-01 1300 JONH* 2022-04-01 1200 ANNA*

How to register TestExecutionListener in Junit 5 and detect if all tests are executed

Hi I am trying to implement integration test using JUNIT 5 as a framework and we just want to start all the process once before all the test are executed and st

Docker: Can't read class path resource from spring boot application

Reading a classpath resource as, try { final ClassPathResource classPathResource = new ClassPathResource(format("location%sGeoLite2-City.mmdb", Fil

Java 8 Performance Issues In Windows Server 2019

I have recently migrated some scheduled jobs from a Windows Server 2012 virtual server to a new Windows Server 2019 virtual server, and have noticed some notabl

Custom sort order on a Spark dataframe/dataset

I have a web service built around Spark that, based on a JSON request, builds a series of dataframe/dataset operations. These operations involve multiple joins,

Parallelism with Streams created from Iterators

Experimenting with streams I ran into the following behavior which I don't quite understand. I created a parallel stream from an iterator and I noticed that it

Get the extension from a MimeType

I want to get the extension from a MimeType. For example: video/mp4 ----> mp4 application/x-rar-compressed ----> rar text/plain

How to handle the mouse wheel scrolling event using JavaFX?

Just need to get some numeric equivalent, which will show how much the wheel is scrolled. I managed to find an example only using awt/swing: Java Docs P.S. So

java 8 stream for double loop and change the value in first loop

i have nested loop to loop and change the first list based on condition below. this works fine. its like if cardNumber in firstList same or found in secondList,

java 8 stream for double loop and change the value in first loop

i have nested loop to loop and change the first list based on condition below. this works fine. its like if cardNumber in firstList same or found in secondList,

How to log a message if a stream is empty within the Stream?

Given the following Java 8 Stream: scheduleService.list().stream() .filter(Schedule::getEnabled) .filter(this::runn

Getting memory leaks with okhttp

When I make a get request to an API, over and over again I see that every request the memory goes up and up until 1gb of ram usage. closing the response and au

com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

I have a spring boot project running on java8 after I installed mysql8 server and tried to connect I am getting the error com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQ

finally block equivalent for exception handling in CompletableFuture

I have CompletableFuture which can return result or exception. I want to perform run some common code in case of exception and normal result. Similar to try cat

Collect both matching and non-matching in one stream processing?

Is there a way to collect both matching and not matching elements of stream in one processing? Take this example: final List<Integer> numbers =

How to access nested Json Object Value into JPA Entity Class

I have a payload like this { "eventId":"ep9_0579af51", "eventTime":"5/11/2022 5:50:58 PM", "eventType":"UpdateTransaction", "meta":{ "us

Can't obtain static method fromNative(Method, Object) from class com.sun.jna.Native

I'm using the JNA's com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary class in order to load the VLCJ native library. I'm working on an armv8(aarch x64)-based linux device. Below is my

How to check if list has more then 3 elements using Java8

I have a method that accepts a list of object. I want to iterate through that list and check if the list has more than 3 elements. If it does, I want to throw e

Tune DocLint to allow new tags in javadocs

Is there a way to tune the DocLint (-Xdoclint) to allow new tags in javadocs? Right now i get errors like: error: unknown tag: checkstyle * @checkstyle Pa

Calling default method in interface when having conflict with private method

Consider below class hierarchy. class ClassA { private void hello() { System.out.println("Hello from A"); } } interface Myinterface { defa