Category "jakarta-mail"

JavaMail API on Android

I'm trying to send an email on Android using the JavaMail API, it's just a simple test But whenever I try to launch the app, this exception pops up 2020-09-23 1

Android Studio VerifyError rejecting class text_plain from JavaMail API

I'm developing an application that allows the user to contact me by sending an email (the user only inputs the message, sender and receiver emails are both mine

Spring Email with Greenmail: Authentication Credentials Invalid

I am trying to write test code for Spring Email using Greenmail. This works perfectly with 1.5.5 version of Greenmail, however when I try to update the version

What could be causing SMTPSenderFailedException: 501 5.1.7 Invalid address using java mail?

Unfortunately, this is at a customer site, so we can't debug. Apparently it's been verified that both the to and from emails are valid. They are apparently usin

javax.mail.util.SharedByteArrayInputStream cannot be cast to javax.mail.Multipart

public void parseEml(Message msg) throws Exception { Address[] froms = msg.getFrom(); if (froms != null) { InternetAddress addr = (InternetAddr

Java: Encode String in quoted-printable

I am looking for a way to quoted-printable encode a string in Java just like php's native quoted_printable_encode() function. I have tried to use JavaMails's M

How to create mbox using Java JavaMail?

How to read mail inbox using IMAP protocol and JavaMail and then use local disk to store mails. There is no documentation of mstor. I try this way but it seems