Category "html5-audio"

Audio recorded from Chrome doesn't play on Safari

I'm building an app using React Js where it can record audio from users, upload the file or blob to cloud storage, and play the recorded audio from the file URL

Create MediaStream from Hls.js

I have a HLS stream that I am attaching to an audio element using the Hls.js library. I want to then take that stream and feed it into Wave.js. I want to use th

Play Sound when a specific cell change the Value google sheets

I am trying to run the code of this post, : Google Script: Play Sound when a specific cell change the Value with the recommendation of Rob Blakemore Could some

How to fix an extensive echoing while recording audio using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia?

So, I am working on a small electron desktop app that captures desktop screen and records video and audio. When I am trying to add audio to the stream it starts

How to make audio autoplay on chrome

Audio autoplay is working in Mozilla, Microsoft Edge and old Google Chrome as well but not in new Google Chrome. They have blocked the autoplay. is there any wa

How to import and play all audio files from a directory in React?

I am trying to play each audio file located inside a directory using React. I can play one file as follows but I do not want to import each file since there 70

convert recording audio to buffer

I want to record audio in javascript and convert it to a buffer at the time (not saving it to a file and then converting it to a buffer). how I can do this? I t

How to repeat html5 audio

Please read fully before answering (thank you): I am wanting to seamlessly repeat a track (say 10secs) a given number of times (say 3 times) smoothly by: Extr

How to display video and audio in HTML preview in Visual Studio Code

When I use the HTML5 video and audio tags in my code, video and audio appears when I load the file in a browser. They also appear when I use a HTML preview pack

how add audio in html5 with base64 encoding

i have a string it is audio record in base64 encoding and in wav format(i have data link - {{vm.record}}). I need add audio player in widget( which had writte

HTML5 record audio to file

What I ultimately want to do is record from the user's microphone, and upload the file to the server when they're done. So far, I've managed to make a stream to

HTML5 record audio to file

What I ultimately want to do is record from the user's microphone, and upload the file to the server when they're done. So far, I've managed to make a stream to

HTML5 record audio to file

What I ultimately want to do is record from the user's microphone, and upload the file to the server when they're done. So far, I've managed to make a stream to