Category "html-webpack-plugin"

Error: Cannot find module 'html-webpack-plugin' - Webpack (React)

I tried to create a basic React app with webpack 4 following this link until installing "html-webpack-plugin", I did not face any errors. But, once I run the c

html-webpack-plugin not working with webpack-dev-server

Webpack, you'll be the death of me. html-webpack-plugin works fine in production. The 'dist' folder is loaded with my html template and the bundle inserted. O

html-webpack-plugin Entrypoint undefined = index.html

I'm trying to set a webpack4 and React boilerplate, but facing issue rendering the index.html. For example, when I updated the title of the index.html and the i

how to generate multiple html files with angular-cli builds?

I have an angular project with manual setup (no angular-cli) and configured the build to generate multiple html files using HTML Webpack Plugin. Now, I am plann