Category "grpc"

SSL/TSLsupport for grpc in c#

I tried to implement a gRPC using SSL/TLS, I read the documentation about how to implement SSL/TLS, but this don´t works, I found a stackoverflow page TLS

How can I get the client IP address and user-agent in Golang gRPC?

I set up a series of gRPC requests and responses which all work fine, but I'm stuck when I try to get the client IP address and user-agent who is calling my gRP

GRPC-Web + Blazor CORS Issue

I'm trying to create a Blazor WASM application that will call a GRPC gateway using grpc-web. The description of the Gateway Service is: syntax = "proto3"; impor

Import "google/api/annotations.proto" was not found or had errors. How do I add it as a dependency?

Following the docs on how to set up a gRPC gateway, I find myself stuck at step four of generating the grpc gateway. Namely, things fall apart when the followin

NestJS GRPC metadata no longer received by server after @grpc/grpc-js update

The package grpc is being depreciated so i have moved to @grpc/grpc-js as advised by the maintainers. Since moving to the new package NestJs no longer receives

Where to get libgrpc_csharp_ext.arm64.dylib?

When I try to run app with Google.Ads.GoogleAds nuget package on MacOS with M1 silicon I get the following error : Unhandled exception. System.IO.FileNotFoundE

Can the .proto file be generated from the server by any client?

I have seen that Evans CLI can be used to determine the exposed messages and sessions on the server from the client setup. Is it possible that the .proto file b

gRPC intercept calls in C#

I'm using gRPC in C# (NETCore). I would like to log each single method call, and I expect to have some way of intercpt each call at once, instead of putting a l

How to use a gRPC interceptor to attach/update logging MDC in a Spring-Boot app

Problem I have a Spring-Boot application in which I am also starting a gRPC server/service. Both the servlet and gRPC code send requests to a common object to p

grpc can't find protobuf library

I went over the grpc installation and finished building and installation. Now when I try to: find_package(gRPC CONFIG REQUIRED) I get CMake Error at CMakeLi

How to set google.protobuf.Timestamp to null?

How to represent a null timestamp in Google ProtoBuf? I am reading DateTime's from a postgreSQL database--some of which are null--into protobuf TimeStamps. mess

gRPC with C# - "2 UNKNOWN: Stream remove"

I have created very simple gRPC server. It's a template project from Microsoft. csproj <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web"> <PropertyGroup&

What are the differences between gRPC AsyncIO and RabbitMQ and when to use them?

I want to implement event-driven communication in my microservices architecture. For example, if event A happens, services X and Y would carry out certain thing

GRPC: Client ID or connection information?

Is there a way to get the connection information on RPC calls from server side? Or maybe something like unique client ID?

grpc.WithInsecure is deprecated: use insecure.NewCredentials() instead

Hey I'm trying make a small test client with Go and Grpc, opts := grpc.WithInsecure() cc, err := grpc.Dial("localhost:9950", opts) if err != nil {

GRPC installed successfully on ubuntu but php is looking for it in another folder

Using PHP 7.4 & Ubuntu 20.04 LTS I have installed GRPC using these steps: sudo apt-get install autoconf zlib1g-dev php-dev php-pear sudo pecl install grpc

On Apple M1, grpc/Google-Api Import Error:

Situation: I'm trying to set up my SQLAlchemy database and run it locally. I use the google api for its vision module, so I can analyze text off of pictures. Cu

How to broadcast in gRPC from server to client?

I'm creating a small chat application in gRPC right now and I've run into the issue where if a user wants to connect to the gRPC server as a client, I'd like to

Upload image to java rest api from .net http client

I am student and on a assignment i was trying to send image from my blazor page to java rest api . As for the api it works perfectly as i tried it with postman

How to import protobuf well-known types in AspNet Core gRPC Service

I', scratching my head about how to import "google/protobuf/empty.proto" to my proto file. What I'm doing so far: In my .csproj file, I added the following: &