Category "grid-search"

ImportError: No module named grid_search, learning_curve

Problem with Scikit learn l can't use learning_curve of Sklearn and sklearn.grid_search. When l do import sklearn (it works) from sklearn.cluster import biclus

RandomForestClassifier instance not fitted yet. Call 'fit' with appropriate arguments before using this method

I am trying to train a decision tree model, save it, and then reload it when I need it later. However, I keep getting the following error: This DecisionTre

sklearn lda gridsearchcv with pipeline

pipe = Pipeline([('reduce_dim', LinearDiscriminantAnalysis()),('classify', LogisticRegression())]) param_grid = [{'classify__penalty': ['l1', 'l2'],

Speeding up grid search in sklearn

I am performing a grid search to identify the best SVM parameters. I am using ipython and sklearn. The code is slow and runs on only one core. How can this be s