Category "java-11"

Error using SonarLint in Visual Studio Code (VsCode) and Java 11

I have a problem using SonarLint in visual studio code, I’ve been using very well this plugin in java 8 but arround last week, Vscode required java 11 as

How to run XJC with Java 11 and maven?

To generate java classes from XSD (for reading XML files), we used jaxb2-maven-plugin and Java8. For java 11, we get many issues... What libraries and plugin

Java Maven Project "Source option 5 is no longer supported. Use 6 or later."

I'm following a PluralSight course, "Spring Framework: Spring Fundamentals" by Bryan Hansen. I've followed the demo precisely (I believe) but am getting the err

My JUnit tests executes with maven build in Java 11, but unable to run same Junit tests via RunIT->Run As->Units, which always says not JUnits found

My module test project is supposed to be built using Java 11 as it is referencing to a jar which is build in Java 11. Hence I had to compile my code in Java 11.

Simple JNDI lookup from JDK 11 client to Weblogic 10.3.6 (JDK 7) server not working

Server Environment: Weblogic 10.3.6, JDK 1.7 I have a simple working Java SE client application runing with JDK 7. In client I am doing very simple JNDI look o

JDK 11.0.2 compilation fails with javac NPE on anonymous parameterized class type inference

Code (spring-web 5.1.2) public static void main(String[] args) { RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders

Spark 3.0 is much slower to read json files than Spark 2.4

I have large amount of json files that Spark can read in 36 seconds but Spark 3.0 takes almost 33 minutes to read the same. On closer analysis, looks like Spark

JavaFX Modular Application, java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.controls not found (Java 11, Intellij)

I have a problem with my modular JavaFX application. I created a JavaFX project and added the JavaFX lib and JavaFX modules get recognized. However, I keep gett

Intellij can't find when compiling with Java 11

I'm trying to get one of my projects ready for Java 11 but for some reason Intellij can't find It isn't underlining it as not found in module-inf

Difference between String trim() and strip() methods in Java 11

Among other changes, JDK 11 introduces 6 new methods for java.lang.String class: repeat(int) - Repeats the String as many times as provided by the int paramete

Unable to run javafx project

I am getting the following error when I run the main file in the Javafx project: C:\Users\monu\OneDrive\Documents\jdk-11.0.10\bin\java.exe --module-path C:\D-d

How to write code in Java 11, but target Java 8 and above?

I am working on a small library and for obvious reasons I would like to write code using all the Java 11 features (except modules I guess for now), but I would

maven with JDK11: javac: invalid flag: --release

I'm trying to set up a simple maven project with java 11. As I want to keep JAVA_HOME to be version 8, I'm using maven-toolchains-plugin to make maven use jdk11

Porting from Java 8 to 11: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found, how to change implementation?

I'm trying to port an old Java 8 webapp containing JAX-WS based webservices to Java 11 and Tomcat 9 on Windows 10. Note that this app is not using Maven or any

Maven. Unable to compile module with groovy-eclipse compiler

I'm trying to perform migration of my project from java 8 to java 11. What I did in root pom.xml: Replaced <source>8</source> <target>8</ta

using maven deployit plugin which relies on jaxb with java 11

We just migrated our project to java 11. We configured new dependencies in the pom for the jaxb &co packages that were present in jdk-8 but were removed in

How make cxf-codegen-plugin generate Webservices from

Migrating from Java 8 to Java 11. Updated cxf-codegen-plugin from version 3.2.0 to 3.3.6. Plugin still generates Java stubs from wsdl files using packages from

JDK 11 is not reflecting

I have installed jdk 11 but when i am checking the version from command prompt it is showing the jdk 1.8 only. What I have tried is : 1. downloaded the jdk-11.