Category "graphql"

How to get query result from postgraphile running as a library

I have postgraphile running as as express middleware. For example: const pgMiddleware = postgraphile(pool, SCHEMA, postgraphileConfig); app.use(pgMiddleware);

NPM Installation Issues on Ubuntu: Installing Expo-Cli

I ran the command: npm install expo-cli and got these errors. I already upgraded npm on ubuntu. Do I need to install these tools one by one or there's somethin

How to change the `frontend_domain` port in `GRAPHQL_AUTH` in the verification mail?

I'm working on a Docker-Django-Graphene-React stack where Django is the backend which receive GraphQL queries through Graphene from React which acts as the fron

GraphQLError: Query root type must be provided

I'm using NestJS, TypeORM and GraphQL for my backend API. I'm getting the following error: GraphQLError [Object]: Query root type must be provided. at Sch

What causes the ["String" has no subfields] image error in GraphQL/Gatsby?

The whole error message on terminal is: error GraphQL Error Field "image" must not have a selection since type "String" has no subfields. This seems like a r

How can I get "errors" from graphql-flutter

I want to get my sended errors from data.errors. I use "" to get my response. My respons

How can I get "errors" from graphql-flutter

I want to get my sended errors from data.errors. I use "" to get my response. My respons

What is the difference between useQuery and useLazyQuery in Apollo graphQL?

I was going through the documentation of Apollo React hooks. And saw there are two queries hooks to use for which is useQuery and useLazyQuery I was reading thi

Error: Cannot find module 'graphql/validation/rules/KnownArgumentNamesRule'

When I run the command apollo client:codegen the following error comes up : Error: Cannot find module 'graphql/validation/rules/KnownArgumentNamesRule' Requ

Why is Graphql data object only available outside the call function

I am new to graphql and react so I can't figure out why the loaded data return object is only available outside the mutation post which produced the data. Could

Get Github repositories owners in an Organization

I'm trying to get a list of Admin inside a repository in an organization, couldn't find a away to get it working, always returning me Organization name instead

GatsbyJS - GraphQL ACF query issue

So I am encountering some issues with the way that my ACF is structured on a custom post type. Due to the way the post type works (it's for work case studies) t

Session handling error: Pool#acquire(Duration) has been pending for more than the configured timeout of 45000ms

I am using spring-boot-starter-graphql for simple client-server communication with websocket. Below is code snippet in client "ws://localhost:8080"

Features work, but console delivers extraneous error: "Variable "$id" of required type "ID!" was not provided."

My CRUD operations work. But many of them also generate a single, specific console error I haven't been able to track down. [GraphQL error]: Message: Variable

How to get pivot data in laravel lighthouse?

I use lighthouse package for making my graphql schema ( But how to get data from @belongsToMany relationship that is stored

Upload in GraphQL with NestJs and ValidationPipe

Im trying to make file upload in my api using this strategy: Without the ValidationPi

How can I combine permissions in `strawberry` with logical OR rather than AND?

i'm using strawberry to great success. however, there is one scenario that i would like to achieve: @strawberry.mutation( permission_classes=[ IsAuthenticated,

nestjs / graphql : default exception filter discloses too much sensitive data

The docs at only says : Nest standard exception filters are compatible with GraphQL applicatio

Error: Expected undefined to be a GraphQL schema

I am getting an error which says " Error: Expected undefined to be a GraphQL schema." Please check what issue is this when I move to localhost:3000/graphiql it

Resolve Same Entity in Different Services

I have use-case where same entity type needs to resolved in multiple service, for example Service A has type Post type Post{ id: ID! title: String } Ser