Category "angular-test"

Angular v12 - Unit Test - [ERROR] No specs found

After developing my Angular application I would like to run unit tests with Karma and Jasmine. I haven't written any unit-tests yet, but trying to run the defau

ngx-translate Problems with unit testing

0 I'm using ngx-translate library and having some issues with unit testing because it wont find certain provides. The issue its that even tho i place a provider

How to create new event for unit testing in Angular 2?

Hi I am writing unit test case for my angular code. I am trying to update textbox in gridview. Below is my gridview code. <input *ngIf="editing[rowIndex + '

angular unit tests - start Chrome after successful build (taking long time)

On some machines building the Angular app takes more then 2*60s (default timeout for Chrome started by Karma to catch the content). Is there a way to force Kar

Set default launcher flags when I run ng test without additional arguments

I need to pass custom argument to chrome in order to set locale: --lang en-US I've done it using customLauncher. My src/karma.conf.js: module.exports = functi