Category "git-commit"

git push and commit is not working in Vscode

I signed up in vs code with git , did all setup , my repository is loading and showing all the modifications done but the commit and push is not working , as i

git commit: pre-populate commit subject but still prompt for a commit message [duplicate]

Let's say I'm working on a branch and I run git commit. I am then taken to the commit message prompt where I may enter a commit subject and m

PyGithub - Way to get tags associated with a GutHub commit

I want to get a list of all the tags associated with a GitHub commit. I'm using the PyGithub library and calling repository.get_commits() which returns a list o

Git: How do I checkout a commit and merge it back into my branch?

I've made a series of commits in my branch. However, the last 3 or so were mistakes - I want to 'revert' my branch to a previous commit. Googling the issue I u

How can I check if a commit exists in a pull request on GitHub?

So I have a list of commits SHAs to check. In a given commit SHA let's say 123ab45, I want to see if the commit is linked to a PR in the branch. Is there any co

How can I fix git commit error "Waiting for your editor to close the file..." with VS Code?

I'm trying just git commit and Git is giving this message: hint: Waiting for your editor to close the file... /c/Users/AGT/AppData/Local/Programs/Microsof

When I Git commit, cmd.exe not found

Quite new to git, so if i made any obvious mistakes I am sorry. When I do git commit, it prints the following message: hint: Waiting for your editor to close t

In git, obtain commits using git log with path

I would like to obtain the last 10 commits using git log specifying the path of my repository. I used the option -path but I have "is outside repository" error

How to stop merging in git?

I had a three-way-merge branch merge: git checkout master git merge BranchA >> Fast-forward merge git merge BranchB >> Three-way-merge (prompts

Git pull from someone else's fork

We are two students working on our online repository (different repo) that is forked from a common upstream repo. Let's say other student made Changes, Commit

How to open Sublime Text 3 editor with git commit

I have already configured Sublime Text 3 as my text editor for git Bash. Sublime successfully opens when I type subl 'filePath' However, when I try a git commi

How do I commit case-sensitive only filename changes in Git?

I have changed a few files name by de-capitalize the first letter, as in Name.jpg to name.jpg. Git does not recognize this changes and I had to delete the file

Given long git commit how to safely get short commit

If I query the bitbucket api for commits, I get the long version: bitbucket_curl(){ curl -H 'Authorization:Basic YW1JyKg==' "$@" }

Given long git commit how to safely get short commit

If I query the bitbucket api for commits, I get the long version: bitbucket_curl(){ curl -H 'Authorization:Basic YW1JyKg==' "$@" }

Given long git commit how to safely get short commit

If I query the bitbucket api for commits, I get the long version: bitbucket_curl(){ curl -H 'Authorization:Basic YW1JyKg==' "$@" }