Category "apache"

Syntax Error when deploying django on apache2

I am trying to host a django application on a server using apache2 and mod_wsgi. The project itself is located at the path /usr/share/django-projects/mysite The

Apache error log -- how to fix "numpy ImportError" or disable it?

I'm running a Django app on Apache with mod_wsgi -- everything seems to be working but the following error has been clogging up my logs, running every 30 mins o

How to proxypass Apache to a dockerized Flask/Gunicorn app

We have a server running apache2 that is hosting a number of websites and applications. We have a dockerized Flask application (served with Gunicorn) that we wo

Apache/PHP Correct permissions for uploading a binary that runs server side?

I've prepared a PHP browser interface (like a modem interface) for an embedded system, that is supposed to help manage the core application (uploading a new bin

Static files not found Flask on Apache

I have a Flask application deployed on Apache, and the JavaScript files in the static folder cannot be found I don't understand what is wrong, here are the f

problems centos 7 httpd service restart

when I type systemctl restart httpd , I get the following error: Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemct

.htaccess rewrite without redirect / Wordpress

I want to rewrite an URL so that "few_words_Keyword" is shown in the browser but the page display /directory/Keyword In my htaccess I have following : Rewrite

DJango deployment on Apache24 not working

I am new to web frameworks and I have designed small website using DJango-3.1.7. I am trying to deploy DJango website on Apache server in Windows 10 platform bu

How to disable Apache HTTP Header info in AWS Load Balancer Response?

I have a node.js environment deployed using AWS Elastic Beanstalk on an Apache server. I have run a PCI scan on the environment and I'm getting 2 failures: Apa

Apache shutdown unexpectedly on Windows 10

I know this question is asked so many times before but for the whole last day I have tried nearly every suggested solution I could find. Below is my xampp contr

apache vitual host (EAI 2)Name or service not known: AH00547: Could not resolve host name

i am getting this error my site can not start up (EAI 2)Name or service not known: AH00547: Could not resolve host name -- ignoring! my host conf

How to override htaccees file for cache control header

In my company we have htaccess file in which there is no web caching enabled,I want to enable caching for one single api but htaccess file is overriding my cach

htaccess: mod_expires.c except one or multiple folders

To the following browser caching via mod_expires.c in the .htaccess... <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 day" </I

*** ERROR *** The PHP configuration loaded file is: c:/wamp64/bin/php/php8.1.0/php.ini - should be: c:/wamp64/bin/apache/apache2.4.53.1/bin/php.ini

I updated from PHP 7.4.26 to PHP 8.1.0 I am getting the following error on localhost home page although website is working on server: ERROR The PHP configurati

Broken pipe error when proxying long file upload request

Recently and overnight, Apache's error logs from a couple of nodejs servers have been filling with this: [proxy:error] [pid xxx] (32)Broken pipe: [client xxx.x

RELIABLE way of starting and stoping xampp (Mysql, Apache, Tomcat) from a batch file without crashing mysql databases

THE ENVIRONMENT: I am using Xampp (Mysql, Apache, Tomcat) for writing Java applications in Windows 11. THE PROBLEM: Everytime i forget to close xampp, and resta

Apache poi get table from text box

I'm using apache poi for iteration table in docx file. All works fine but if table in text box, my code don't see table - table.size() = 0 XWPFDocument doc =

Use a Laravel Application alongside another scripts (wp/joomla/...) and remove /public

This is my directory structure: Public_html /app /bootstrap /config /database /public /resources /routes /vendor /storage /another-sctipt I

"Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code." How do I fix this?

After installing SSL certificates via Certbot, my website came up with the error message "too many redirects". After some research I thought I must have a redir

How update php.ini on a Mac OS X Mojave?

I'm on Mac OS X Mojave Step 1 I ran php -i | grep php.ini I got Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/php5/lib Loaded Configuration File =