Category "gdal"

Drawing zone over plt.imshow

I'm plotting some .tiff images using GDAL and matplotlib. Currently images look like the one in the example and I would like to mark a zone over the image.I hav

how to set the USE_PATH_FOR_GDAL_PYTHON=YES environment variable to feed the PATH into os.add_dll_directory()

I've been running GDAL through python on anaconda for years with no problem. Today when I tried to import gdal I got this error code: On Windows, with Python &

not recognized as a supported file format ECW gdal api

I'm trying to use ECW files in my application. I've built GDAL Library whit this command: ./configure --with-ecw:/usr/local/hexagon after completion of build p

Issues installing gdal-bin (libmysqlclient21 dependency) on 20.04.3 (databricks job clusters)

I've had, in the past, gdal utilities installed successfully on a Databricks Cluster running 20.04.3 LTS (focal). $ cat /etc/os-release NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION="2

How is the gdal.Translate function used in the GDAL Java bindings?

I am trying to preform some processing (i.e. applying a function to the contents of each cell of a raster, and then writing that out as a new raster), where the

How to prevent GDAL from writing data source to disk when de-referenced

I need to extract the raster (stored as a numpy array) from a file. Following the very popular OGR Cookbook, I am reading in an OGR layer (geojson) and then ras

Provide a path to gdal-config using a GDAL_CONFIG environment variable error while attempting to install Fiona

This is the error I receive: A GDAL API version must be specified. Provide a path to gdal-config using a GDAL_CONFIG environment variable or use a GDAL_VE

No such file or directory: 'gdal-config'

I am trying to install fiona and geopandas on a mac machine. I have installed GDAL trough brew install gdal --HEAD If I try install fiona, I get the following:

Django/Python unable to find GDAL Library

I have installed GDAL in a virtual environement with the following commands: $ brew install gdal $ pip3 install gdal When trying a python makemigrati

Install gdal using conda?

I used conda install gdal to install the GDAL packages. But I had the following error when importing the packages. >>> from osgeo import gdal Trace

How to retrieve the field name of a ShapeFile feature field?

I am using gdal-ruby to parse ESRI ShapeFiles like in this demo. I want to iterate through all features in order to push the field values into a database. Howev