Category "android-appcompat"

How to handle notch(display cutout) in android API lower than 28?

Android added notch support on API 28, but how to handle it on devices running API 27 (Honor 10, Huawei P20, etc.) ? I was trying to use DisplayCutoutCompat

PreferenceFragmentCompat has padding on PreferenceCategory that I can't get rid of

So I've been trying to create a settings activity using androidx.preference.PreferenceFragmentCompat and it's all working fine. However for some reason there is

Popup menu goes out of the screen

Popup menu on inflate goes out of the screen for this activity, works fine for other Extending custom AppCompatActivity Styles: <style name="AppTheme.Ac

Activity doesn't inherit parent style

I am converting my app from using ActionBarSherlock to AppCompat. My activities that extend AppCompatActivity don't appear to be inheriting the parent style by

Error inflating class NavigationView caused by ResourceNotFoundException

So around 1% of my daily users are haunted with the NavigationView exception which is caused by an image resource not being found. I find that strange, 99% of o

Failed to resolve attribute at index 13 at android.content.res.TypedArray.getDrawable()

My android app runs on a sdk 23 emulator just perfectly, but when I tried to run it on a tablet with sdk version 21, I got this exception: java.lang.RuntimeE

Make ImageView fit width of CardView

I have a CardView with rounded corners, I want to have an ImageView at the top like shown in the example taken from the material design guidelines below. <