Category "fragment"

Combine and sum values of overlapping Polygons in GeoPandas

I have a GeoPandas dataframe with a.o. polygons as 'geometry' column and a corresponding value in a different column. E.g. like such: import numpy as np import

Refresh fragment is not working any more?

I lost some hours today because my code was not working any more. The code to reload the view of a fragment was not working anymore after updating to the new ve

How to test interactions with menu when testing fragments with FragmentScenario

I'm trying to test a fragment using FragmentScenario. This fragment has its own menu. There is an add icon on the action bar and clicking on this menu item laun

Android Navigation Component: dynamically adding fragment to graph

I got a question about using Navigation Architecture Component. I have defined a navigation graph to my app and it works perfectly but I need to use framework S

View in the view pager overlap between previous and next view

I am using ViewPager for sliding effect in my app. I have pager.setPageMargin() to make next and previous views visibility, unfortunately my next view is over

Android Studio Error when Creating a Project with a Google Maps Activity

When I create a new project in Android Studio with a Google Maps Activity I get the following error when I do the initial build of the project: Manifest mer

onItemClick and Toast don't work in a listfragment

i tried to do a simple Toast into my onitemclickmethod but nothing it's happening and no error just nothing happen when i press an item of the list My listfra

how to call function from other fragment class

I'm trying to call this function public void arrowClick() is inside my main fragment public class CounterMain extends Fragment implements View.OnClickListen

Full managing of fragments flow in Android

I have a special flow of fragments in my app, so I need to be able to switch to any fragment, while keeping fragments in memory whenever possible (so if it's ti

Custom Adapter Not showing data

I have developed an custom adapter which takes data from SQLite. Data is selecting and adapter also gets data. But its not showing in the list view. I don't get