Category "fonts"

Tkinter fonts are blury and pixelated

I am trying to make a GUI in Ubuntu 16.04, python 3.6 running the code using virtual environment. I have many default fonts installed on my system. No matter w

Roboto Flex variable font in greek

I'm searching Roboto Flex with greek characters Does anybody knows how to find more charsets?

Webpack 5: file-loader generates a copy of fonts with hash-name

I cant figure out whats going on here. I use the file-loader to load the fonts of my application: { test: /.(ttf|otf|eot|svg|woff(2)?)(\?[a-z0-9]+)?$/,

Colored Emojis in Java Swing Labels

I was wondering how to dispaly colored emojis in swing. I have a feeling that the Swing (awt) font engine is unable to do this. I've tried using the windows emo

how can i use only custom font without family font system on ios

I use CLImageEditor this link, but in the fonts picker it displays the system fonts, I do not want to display it, Because it contains strangely repetitive NewRo

Disable OpenType `ccmp` Glyph Composition in CSS

I'm using a font called Lora in an Electron app, and I encountered a problem where text like mysterious `accent` is automatically converted to mysterious &agrav

add new font to AOSP build

I want change the default font in my AOSP GSI builds. I have added them in /extrnal like the standard Roboto font. I have added them in /framworks/base/data/dat

Why is the default font weight 400?

So, when working with fonts : the default (aka "Regular") font weight is 400 the "bold" font weight is 700 the "light" font weight is 300 But... why ? 400 what

Changing the font of ax.text in matplotlib

I am making a python plot using matplotlib. At the start of the code, I use: plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif' plt.rcParams['font.serif'] = ['Times New Ro

Next js self hosted font flashes on rerenders

I don't know how else to describe it. When hovering a link or opening a popup, basically anything where state changes on something, it appears that my font gets

how would I use a Font defined inside of a try{} block outside of the block in Java [resolved]

so, I'm working on a clock, and it needs a font (from an external file) to make it look like a 14-segment display instead of the Sans-Serif font it currently us

WPF - Problem showing a symbol from a custom font

I have a custom font. The font contains symbols at specific addresses. I want to display one of the symbols in a TextBlock. The font (ttf-file) is located in my

Do not request

I am trying to speed up my website and want to get rid off some requestes. For instance, PageSpeed Insights gives me a warning about "

How to add custom font on Rails app (version 7)

In development mode the custom fonts (Raleway) are present but it is not reflected in the staging environment. I deployed my app to Heroku. Added the following

How can I add a font to WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal?

As the image below shows, WhatsApp (Web) now supports all of the active scripts in the Unicode BMP - incredible! I believe all of those fonts are in the app it

How to make fonts in VSCode like in Android Studio

I've been using vscode for a while, and i just recently tried android studio. Immediately I realized that I like the fonts in android studio more than the fonts

React Native - How to detect font size after a font scaling?

I need to detect what is the font size for text component after a font scaling. Let's say that I have a Text component with font size 18px <Text style={{fon

Font family issue in dompdf

I'm using DOMPDF v0.8.0 I'm having a problem with this library. I'm using this dompdf library with codeigniter2. I need to implement digital signature and co

Change the entire font name of all dialogs (part 2) [duplicate]

Based on this post, Change the entire font style of all dialogs How to change the font text of the entire installer in Graphical Installer? Wh

Why is Woff file downloading instead of just Woff2? Google Fonts/NextJS

NextJS has font-optimization for Google Fonts where it downloads the font-face definition from Google Fonts (with both a Chrome and an IE User Agent) and places