Category "firebase-realtime-database"

Firebase Realtime Database: Save costs by choosing short path names?

Firebase RTDB costs are, in contrast to Firestore, calculated by download size (and not by operation count). When you get data, like in this pseudo code databas

flutter parsing JSON from firebase

I just started learning about flutter and try to use ScopedModel and I get stuck at parsing JSON, everything works until I try to get List of detail simulation

My data is not getting uploaded in firebase it has internet access creating user with firebase auth that also not getting uploaded & nor child created

Below is the java file of this activity. I want my name and email to be stored in realtime database and sign in with firebase auth, but neither is working. I fo

firebase package was successfully found. this package itself specifies a `main` module field that could not be resolved. none of these files exist

node_modules\firebase\package.json` was successfully found. However, this package itself specifies a `main` module field that could not be resolved node_modules

I'm trying to develop an android and I need some advices

I'm trying to develop an app that retrieves from firebase the state of electric doors in some different cities and if a door error exists in any city, the app w

Error in reading the Firebase value: pricecode

Please tell me what is my mistake? I'm trying to count the pricecode and shove it into user -> price. But instead, it gives an error or a link, and not the v

Firebase RealTime database rules to restrict on user id runs in simulator but not in AngularFire

If you look at the screenshot you can see that the simulated test passes: It restricts adding user data to the users node if the uid does not match. You can

Get realtime data change update when data changes on Firebase Realtime Database

I have written this code to fetch the data. But I want to fetch updates without restarting the activity as data changes in real-time in the database. I want to

How to implement the intercom/push-to-talk/walkie-talkie feature based on Firebase on Android and iOS?

I’m using Firebase as the cloud database and handling authentication for my Android and iOS APPs, it works quite well. Recently I want to add the intercom

Firebase Realtime Database from Android setValue not working

I am trying to use the realtime database for the first time. The set value function is not working for me. I already updated the writing rules in the following

Schedule notification in flutter using firebase

How can I schedule the flutter notification with Firebase to run in the background even if the mobile phone is turned off.

How can I access specific data in Firebase?

I want to delete the messages of every user before 30 days. When the user enters the application, their own messages are deleted. But I can't access every user'

How to do a bulk update in Firestore

I'm using Cloud Firestore and have a collection of documents. For each document in the collection I would like to update one of the fields. Using a transactio

In Flutter Google Maps how do I add and remove markers based on a realtime database listener?

I've read numerous docs, posts, etc. and cannot seem to get things to work. I have a realtime database listener that provides lat/long coordinates, inside a Fi

Moving or copying data from one node to another in firebase database

I am trying to move my data present at one node i.e cart_details/UID to another node orders/UID/order1. I tried different ways of doing it but all seem to be a

Firebase - get childrens of children

I am looking for a good solution to take data from a child of children. As You can see in my "users" database i have nodes with users uid's, and in this nodes i

Get the auto-generated id - Firebase

I'm trying to retrieve the id of the element that I inserted in the database with .key. However, it returns the user value instead of the auto-generated id. Ho

Should you remove SQLite database in Flutter to add Datastore

I have a to do list app developed using flutter and SQLite and I'm wondering if it is a better practice to remove the SQLite database when I want to use Datasto

Firebase RTDB trigger not fired from Flutter Firebase SDK triggering event

I am developing an application in Flutter and during development, I encountered this anomaly. On Firebase Realtime Database I have a simple trigger for testing

It is possible to have a contains search query in firebase? [duplicate]

I tried this: Query firebaseSearchQuery = myRef.orderByChild("from").startAt(searchText).endAt(searchText+"\uf8ff"); but i want something