Category "server"

Minecraft Forge FMLClientSetupEvent fired on Server?

As stated in the Title I think that an FMLClientSetupEvent is Fired on a Forge-Minecraft dedicated Server. Forge Versions should be the same. All in all, this l

Ktor - kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException: Channel was closed

I am receiving back this kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ClosedReceiveChannelException upon about 50% of my api calls to a post url through Ktor HttpClient. Our cod

MySQL - Connection failed: No route to host

Confused why getting this issue while trying to connect to my DB. Connection failed: No route to host <?php $servername = "HOST"; $username = "USERNAME

Share types between client and server

I'm working on a project with a Node.js, Express.js & TypeScript backend (REST API) and a React, Redux & TypeScript frontend. In the backend I have crea

Connection to the Jupyter Notebook Server could not be established

For the past many months I am trying to code in Jupyter Notebook but whenever I open Jupyter Notebook, then, I see a message where it is written 'A connection t

Sending a message into all servers where bot is

How do I send one message per guild that my bot is in? It doesn't matter which channel it will be, but I don't know how to code it. I finally came up with that

PHPMyAdmin not working as intended at remote server. Error 500, $respond not found

I am just starting my journey with servers so I bought one VPN. I installed there ubuntu 18, apache 2.4, php8, webmin, mysql etc. I have two sites based on symf

can't load key in OpenDKIM Permission denied

Previously working Dovecot / Postfix / DKIM setup with multiple domains working correctly for months. I attempted to add a new domain name. Retracing what I d

TFS 2010 Upgrade to TFS 2013 - Can Window Server 2019 Standard Support the Upgrade?

We are looking to carry out the following TFS upgrades in our Production environment: Upgrade TFS 2010 to TFS 2013.5 Upgrade TFS 2013.5 to TFS 2019 To support

wildcard certificate support using Autocert (golang)

implementing a https go server with wildcard certificate support. package main import ( "crypto/tls" "log" "net/http" "

Is there a way to send message to a specific client in a multithreaded TCP server?

I have made a tcp multithread server which is always listening to new connections and at the same time handling existing clients. If i have 2 clients, lets say

Apache performance tuning for high traffic with MPM Event

I currently manage the following set of servers that serve about 700 web pages: SERVER 1 (WEB) Web server: Apache 2.4.29 with MPM Event PHP 7.2.22 CPU: Intel

Flutter web app does not work with local golang http server

I know it sounds like a beginner's question, but here I go: I've developed a small app to be used locally in restaurants for the waiters to be able to take orde

wildfly time out [300] is occurring while running the project in debug mode on server

when i run my project in the wildfly there is no issue . but in eclipse when i run the project in debug mode on server after 5 minutes ie 300 s a timeout erro

Nginx: log the actual forwarded proxy_pass request URI to upstream

I've got the following nginx conf: http { log_format upstream_logging '[proxied request] ' '$server_name$request_uri -> $ups

Is there any way to drop request inside plugin

Now I'm developing server application with ktor 2(2.0.0-eap-256). What I want to do is, according to header or other information, Reject or set adequate http st

How to deploy to Heroku if my client and servers are in separate folders?

I have a repo with 2 folders - 1 for the server, 1 for the client, and each folder has its own package.json file. I am trying to deploy the server to Heroku, bu

Node js express error hanlding middleware dont recognize 4 elements

I'm trying to create an error-handling middleware, and as you can see in the image attached when I'm making the app.use((err,req,res,next) => {...}) block

SMTP ERROR: MAIL FROM command failed: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first when using PHPMailer

I'm trying to get send an Email from my gmail account with PHPMailer. But when running the php-script on my localhost I get the following error: SERVER -> CL

I see some big company using firefox version 45.x.x to connect to their vpn, is there any concern of doing this? [closed]

why not just use usual vpn tools? like outline or openvpn or any else, is there any security concern? and of course that's an old version of f