Category "exe"

How to convert .py to .exe and run as a background function on windows while retaining args?

I'm looking to run a python script that calls commands through subprocess depending on various arguments that are given to it. For ease of use it would be valua

How to build a .exe program from the Anaconda environment (Python 3.7)

How can I build a .exe program from my Anaconda environment to get a standalone application?

How to make exe files from a node.js app?

I have a node app that I wrote, that I run as follows: node.exe app.js inputArg Is there some way I can package this into a .exe by itself? So I can just do s

cx-freeze PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied

I am attempting to use cx_Freeze as an alternative to my usual application for converting .py to .exe (auto-py-to-exe). When I run it in cmd I get: C:\WINDOWS\

Pyinstaller failed to execute script: FileNotFoundError: No file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\etc'

I have a python file I am converting to exe via Pyinstaller. The coversion runs fine with no error, however when I run the exe file I get error in line 13 of t

I can't download the mongoose.exe

The Story So, I wanted to see what a small web server was like, and I discovered mongoose, a nice, small, simple web server for static sites. Then the horrors

Packaging an .exe file to MSIX and signing it

I have developed an application and want to publish to the microsoft store. I have tried using advanced installer but unless I pay $500 I cannot publish it i th

auto-py-to-exe stuck at Loading module hook ''

I am trying to convert the code to exe with auto-py-to-exe. It stuck at "Loading module hook ''...". import time, pyautogui, keyboard, threading f

VScode compile C++ on windows the exe not found

I want to ask how to debug a simple hello world output from a C++ file, on the launch file I have to put the executable but I have only created a C++ file, how

Visual Studio: How to tell exe where to look for dll's?

I have a .lib included in my project (Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies) that makes my .exe build require a corresponding .dll to be provided with th

Kivy to Exe with PyInstaller. [Failed to execute script main] because of SoundLoader

Im trying to convert my .py file to .exe. Im using kivy in my .py file.I realized that getting Fatal error detected.Failed to execute script main error if i use

Embed icon in python script

Does anybody know a way to embed an icon in a Python script such that when I create my standalone executable (using pyinstaller) I don't need to include the .ic

How to create a standalone .exe in Java (that runs without an installer and a JRE)

How can I make a standalone Windows executable(.exe) for my JavaFX project(I wrote in IntelliJ IDEA), without an installer for my program? I want the user to do