Category "exchangewebservices"

Import external ICS with EWS

Using Exchange Web Services (EWS), I try to import an ICS from URL. I followed the official documentation : Use the EWS Managed API to import an appointment fro

How to get streaming subscription failure EWS

I want to reproduce a bug, these are the conditions : GetStreamingEvents request should fail and preferably get 500 error from office365/exchange The Resync re

The specified object was not found in the store., The process failed to get the correct properties

I'm trying to achieve folder from a user with an admin user (just for test) ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_

Read MS-Exchange emails from a custom folder using EWS managed api Nodejs implementation

Is there a way to read emails from a custom folder in MS-Exchange using EWS managed api (NodeJs implementation)? I'm able to read from the Inbox, but I have cus

Access private appointments in a shared calendar from Outlook add-in

I develop an Outlook VSTO add-in in C#. I need to read existing appointments from shared calendars to see busy time slots. I have the publishing editor permissi

How to Detect if Office 365 web addin is installed or not?

We have a desktop app with which we want to integrate Office 365 calendar. We will have our users provide their consent by authorising the app in office 365. I

Auth2 implementation for JAVA EWS existing project

I am new to auth2 implementation for Microsoft Exchange service and I want to implement the same in existing process Login Process. Previously we are using User

Downloading Email body and attchments in .MSG format in Web Outlook

Is it possible to download email body and attachments in a file in .MSG format in Outlook Web? I am working on an Outlook 365 Web addin and I require to downl

Log incoming and outgoing emails using Outlook web add-in

I have a working VSTO COM based Outlook add-in that intercepts all incoming/outgoing emails on a desktop outlook which is then used to save the details of the e

C# -EWS - Setting custom properties on Exchange service for Outlook email

I would like to save a boolean property on an email. If user clicked on my addin button, i'd like to mark selected email as treated. Using UserProperties of Mai

Getting Exchange Server's users timezone

I'm having a bit of a problem. I am working on a small outlook plugin(in c#) with the following functions(very simplified): Get all of the users from Exchange

Convert EML to MSG c# Using EWS

I need help with converting EML to MSG, using the Exchange web service (EWS) in a Outlook Web Add-In. When i create an EML file from the MimeContent (EmailMess

Create EmailMessage out of Aspose.Net Email MapiMessage?

Is there a way to create an EWS EmailMessage class instance out of Aspose.Net Email MapiMessage class instance? I'm trying to use some common logic for email p

Microsoft Exchange WebService Contact Email Addresses formatting

I have set up a microsoft exchange web service to allow me to send and receive data to and from my Microsoft Outlook account. I am attempting to get the saved