Category "mapi"

MAPI Requests - Exchange Server (TCP/RPC) vs IMAP-Connection

I am currently developing an Outlook VSTO-AddIn using C#. I want to read certain attributes of each mailItem. (E.g. SenderName, SenderEmailAdress, etc. .. ) As

Check if email is digitally signed using VB.Net

I would like to know if it's possible, using VB.Net, to check if an e-mail is digitally signed and who is the issuer of the certificate. Using Extended MAPI Wr

How to reorder Outlook PST mailbox/store in folder pane?

I'm using Outlook 2016 and I have two PST files listed below my default Exchange mailbox/store. In the Folder Pane, I can click and drag the PST mailbox/store a

A LDAP recipient not being resolved correctly when calling Recipient.Resolve

I am developing an outlook Addin c# using outlook object model. My Addin code needs to resolve the recipient in order to act on it based on its resolved type (A

Exchange version from VSTO Add-In

Is there a simple way to retrieve the Exchange version from a VSTO Add-In. I noticed here that WMI might be an option. I would like to avoid powershell.

External incoming mail marked as draft and unsent

My question is similar to but not the same to the one below, Mark a mailitem as sent (VBA outlook) Basically, something (AV, bug in Outlook or Exchange or bot

Using MAPI to retrieve the list of emails from GAL

This is my code so far: import win32com.client o = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Outlook.Application") ns = o.GetNamespace("MAPI") adrLi = ns.Addr

C# Problems getting a specific named MAPI property from a .msg

I'm having a similar problem to this question in getting a pair of "custom" MAPI properties from a MailItem in a C# console app, but with the extra twist that i

MAPI Outlook History/Change Log

Is there a way to see the changes to an 'AppointmentItem' through MAPI/Outlook? So, for example, if a meeting was re-scheduled and the category changed as well

Reading emails with MAPI in PHP?

As you know Microsoft Exchange Server uses a proprietary protocol called MAPI. Is that possible to read emails from the Ms exchange with that protocol in PHP. I

How to retrive Group mail box names for outlook profile using MAPI program?

Is there a way to retrieve added group mail boxes name for particular outlook profile through extended MAPI program?

Change MAPI profile exchange service OST file with profman/redemption

I need to do the steps 9-12 that are exlained in this KB programatically with profman/redemption on an existing exchange MAPI profile (not while it's being crea

Get named MAPI Property from MailItem in C#

I'm developing an Outlook 2010 custom plugin in C#. This is my first time using C# (I'm a java guy normally). There is a named (custom) MAPI property on a mess

GetProps returns less length for PR_ENTRYID

Trying to retrieve the PR_ENTRYID of a contact using GetProps function from a PST. It's returns 24 length, but when I checked in Outlooksky for same property it

EML to MSG conversion fails when IStorage is used

I am trying to convert EML in to MSG file. I create mapi object IMessage on IStorage object; Assign class-id CLSID_Message to IStorage object; Parse EML file, r

Ole Attachment IStorage format specifications

I'm trying to understand the format and specifications of Outlook Ole Attachments at the compound file level of things, the Ole Attachment in hand is a Picture

Set Outlook MailItem as read or suppress_receipt in PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS

What's the proper way to set a MailItem as read before opening or set the value suppress_receipt in PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS? Looking at

VSTO: Does dragging and dropping a mail message into a MAPI folder cause the folder's Items.ItemAdd event to fire?

The handler I've attached to the folder's ItemAdd event is not firing. I don't know why. The variable folderTestItems is declared at class-level, so it shouldn'

VSTO: Does dragging and dropping a mail message into a MAPI folder cause the folder's Items.ItemAdd event to fire?

The handler I've attached to the folder's ItemAdd event is not firing. I don't know why. The variable folderTestItems is declared at class-level, so it shouldn'