Category "excel"

Split String Loop Email Address Separet A New Row [closed]

I am trying to split a string and create a loop for going through the Cell I Want Only This Code Results Column Wise I want A Row Wise Insert

VBA function to get page's URL to extract gps coordinates

I have a little problem, thanks for whatever help you might bring :) my goal : i want to create a vba function that receives an address and returns the gps coor

How can I get the full source (HTML) of a web-page with vba?

I am trying to automate a work task using excel VBA. I can't seem to get all the source code. I created this simple code to test it. dim IE as object Dim S as S

Pandas cannot open an Excel (.xlsx) file

Please see my code below: import pandas df = pandas.read_excel('cat.xlsx') After running that, it gives me the following error: Traceback (most recent call las

How to amend a column based on duplicates in another and leave a unique value in Excel

I have a spreadsheet which has a lot of duplicates I need to cleanse but need to ensure the right data in another column is kept. Data and desired outcome Esse

ValueError: Cell k2 doesn't contain an image

I am stuck with this python code regarding SheetImageLoader. The error message says that there's no image in the cell I am referencing, but there's an image in

Shareplum : ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I'm importing .xlsx file to Sharepoint using Shareplum, i found that when the excel is more then 30MB i get the error ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An

Copying data from a CSV to and XLSX file using VBA in Excel 365

I am trying to create a macro that copies all the data from a csv file to the workbook that executed the macro. I got the code below from this Youtube video It

OpenXML to Excel: CellFormat Problem - Open Excel-Template and insert datatable to existing Excel-Table with formatted columns

I am getting some data as JSON via RESTful web api and transforming it into a datatable. Afterwards I want to open an "Excel template" (*.xlsx) with OpenXML and

Finding and opening pdf according to the files in the cells with vba

I want to open a pdf according to the codes in a table that changes daily from the archive with thousands of files. It has to search in two ways. Search by BA22

Get row with first 10 empty cells in excel spreadsheet

I am creating a application to update an excel spreadsheet. I access the excel file using Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop. So far I can add data to the

Pandas to_excel( ) output float point is not right

I have some a weird situation trying to get the output in to_excel pandas function. I tried to read a xlsx excel file with the number "21631706.9893399", but wh

Validation with custom formula in string variable

I'm struggling with data validation for the range of cells in a For loop. I want to use a custom formula with COUNTIF to check for unique values. I found exampl

Find e-mail by body and sender

I am trying find e-mail that matches body text and sender. Each day I check if 300/400 emails were already sent. I need to iterate through more than 4500 emai

Oracle SQL how to export null values

in relation with how to copy the records from output of oracle SQL developer to excel sheet I'm using Oracle SQL developer. I've some queries which get some nul

Invalid forward reference, or reference to uncompiled type

I'm currently using a code to update a file with a loop running through multiple sheets. Up until now, the code ran smoothly. On today's run, I encountered "run

How to update row in Excel using MS Form=>MS Flow=>Excel sheet

I have a MS Flow setup like this: Form has 1 question Flow triggers from that Form Flow has Update a row in an excel table It all works fine as long as i manual

Returning the most recent entry in Excel

My workbook has two sheets, we will call them Summery and Events. In my Summery sheet, it looks like this Name Last Event Name 1 Event 3 Name 2 Event 15 In m

List of data to copy into another sheet and generate PDF

I have a list where I have to copy date in each row in another worksheet and Save it as PDF Data is in each row in "Instruction" tab, that need to be copied in

Excel VBA macro slows down unpredictably, usually at DoEvents

What can be happening that slows down Excel to a crawl, sometimes for a minute or two, sometimes for hours, and its workload is spread across calls to DoEvents?