Category "electron"

How to solve this error Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs'

I have created new angular project with electron.I do need to set up the electron. I have got below errors. ERROR in ./node_modules/electron/index.js Module

Chrome's subpixel rendering affecting fixed/absolute positioned elements

I have a electron based application that provides a CAD like experience for mining engineers. This software includes a crosshair cursor: wide cursor that is st

electron v10.1.1 gives Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dialog' of undefined, but same code works in electron v9.3.0

I am trying to upload a file in an electron app which works perfectly for electron v9.3.0 but as soon as I use electron v10.1.1, it gives the following error Un

React Router 6 in Electron - No routes matched location

I am trying to use react-router v6 in an electron js application. but it doesn't work for me. This App works correctly without implementing the react-router! Wh

Error: Timeout of 30000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves

I am trying to write tests for electron using spectron. This is my code. describe ('Application launch', function(done) { this.timeout(30000); const app

Why are native node modules always recompiled on npm install?

I am building an app with Electron 14, and node v14.17.7, respectively [npm 6.14.15] to build my native node modules. Every time I execute npm install all my na

Disable OpenType `ccmp` Glyph Composition in CSS

I'm using a font called Lora in an Electron app, and I encountered a problem where text like mysterious `accent` is automatically converted to mysterious &agrav

How to fix an extensive echoing while recording audio using navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia?

So, I am working on a small electron desktop app that captures desktop screen and records video and audio. When I am trying to add audio to the stream it starts

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/html-loader/dist/cjs.js):

I'm trying to make a quick-start for ava electron webpack and three but something went wrong in that process. here is the repository of the project : https://

Using nodemon doesn't recognize Electron package

I'm trying to use the nodemon package in an Electron project but when I try to execute this with nodemon main.js I catch this error in terminal: But when I

Problem with app update yml files is not generated in electron?

I have a problem with the auto-update of electron app, After I finished all the app parts and I am trying to push it to my custom update server , I found this e

how to adjust height and width of an app according to screen resolution

I need to simplify electron display of an app where the app will shrink its size if the display is smaller for example Laptop display or Big size display like i

How to hide sensitive info in electron JS

Hello i've been working in an electron application, and decided to add an feature that complete faucets like the cryptocurrency ones that you need to solve an c

How to share state (react)between electron's multiple windows?

I am developing a desktop app with react for UI and electron. So, for now, I am fetching data from the server and saving it in the state using React's Context

Not able to register and unregister .dll file through electron-builder custom NSIS include script

I have created a electron desktop app and created a installer using electron-builder. Now I want to add capability of registering a .dll file at the time of ins

How to access the mainWindow from another script in Electron?

My electron app defines the BrowserWindow mainWindow in the main.js. It loads an html and eventually inside of the html a script runs the function dialog.showMe

How to install electron offline without github

I try to install electron offline. I mean without github and internet access. I have jfrog artifactory for the electron package but the installation requires al

Electron auto updater setup with own server (generic provider)

I have my own server where I uploaded app installer via FTP. Its name is quickmargo Setup 1.0.0.exe and it's available at

How to execute a Bash command using an Electron platform in Cordova

I'm trying to use Cordova that now includes Electron to create a Desktop App for Linux. I want a button that fires a shell command: const exec = require('chil

How to package an electron app for "darwin-x64" on an Mac M1/Apple Silicone (arm64)?

Hi Electron Enthusiasts! How do I package an electron app for "darwin-x64" on an Mac M1/Apple Silicone (arm64)? It is definitely possible, since a month ago I h