Category "fish"

Can fish shell's autosuggestion keybindings be customized?

There are two keybindings to accept a Fish suggestion: ctrl-f and right arrow. But these require using pinkies and/or leaving the home row. I'd rather use some

Fish shell how to get the PID of the process started in the background

While in FiSH (Friendly Interactive SHell) I can start a process in the background (something &). However, if I try to retrieve the process id of the proces

AWS CLI command completion with fish shell

Has anybody been able to set up auto-complete for the AWS CLI with fish shell? The AWS documentation only offers the guide for bash, tcsh, and zsh. Bash export

How to override fish_prompt, keeping the styles from the applied theme?

I installed fish shell, installed few themes. Applied the theme "agnoster", all good is pretty but I want fish_prompt to override the original one and keep the

Fish shell - advanced control flow

Normally, fish shell processes commands like this: 1 && 3 (2) This is perfectly useful and it mirrors the order of execution that I would want most of