Category "docker"

How to make docker-compose work on M1 chip?

I'm new to m1 macbook and face an issue with running my docker-compose which looks like this: version: "3.7" services: search: platform: linux/x86_64

How to start docker build at a certain stage in a multi-stage build?

Our application take a very long time to compile. Any change to the Dockerfile triggers a full-recomplile (which takes a very long time) The Dockerfile is a m

How to solve the error in package.json when creating an image?

In the step 4/6 is showing up an error when I try to create this image in Docker: FROM node:latest RUN mkdir -p /app/src WORKDIR /app/src COPY package.json .

docker chainlink container not connecting to postgres database

I want to run chainlink node on my local ubuntu machine. I used the following commands to install postgresql: sudo apt install postgresql adjusting firewall se

Need some clarity on shell-script for Docker setup on Phoeinx project

I found below shell-script( from some GitHub Phoenix repo and I saw the same code in multiple Phoenix projects #!/bin/bash # Wait until postgres

How to access kind control plane port from another docker container?

I'm creating a kind cluster with kind create cluster --name kind and I want to access it from another docker container but when I try to apply a Kubernetes file

Docker Volumes in ECS -- how to connect nginx with php-fpm using unix socket

I tried to make the construction like figure1. figure1 In the local environment, I can access after running docker-compose up -d --build. And I

error: failed to solve: failed to fetch oauth token: Post "": dial tcp: i/o timeout

I'm trying to build a docker image for my java file on my M1 max MacBook, my dockerfile: FROM openjdk:8-alpine COPY . /src/java WORKDIR /src/java RUN ["javac","

node canvas not installing on docker

can anyone help me to figure out this error? so I'm doing node version upgrade and dockerization tasks. we used node js 8.15.1 before now we want to update it t

AWS Lightsail control plugin (lightsailctl) not showing as installed

I'm trying to follow the Amazon tutorial on how to serve a flask app with Amazon Lightsail containers but I'm getting stuck whenever I try to push the container

How to achieve flow like this

I'd like to get flow like this one on the picture. Is there any way to intercept all HTTP request within a docker container, modify their headers and then send

How to proxypass Apache to a dockerized Flask/Gunicorn app

We have a server running apache2 that is hosting a number of websites and applications. We have a dockerized Flask application (served with Gunicorn) that we wo

Can I avoid restarting services on docker-compose up when the service version changes but not the underlying hash?

Is there a way to avoid restarting a service on a docker-compose up when the image version declared in the service definition has changed but the underlying has

Inject AWS Codebuild Environment Variables into Dockerfile

Is there a way to pass AWS Codebuild environment variables into a Dockerfile? I'd like to be able to pull from ECR like this: FROM $

Docker Prometheus not starting

just on this page described, i'am trying to start on my windows docker prom/prometheus with git-bash: docker run \ -p 9090:9090 \ -v /C:/Users/Bob/serv

Merge bash command(s)/simplification of a long command in bash

Hi I am making one script for which I would like it, that through one command it would be possible to make a more complex command or function. The problem is th

gunicorn.errors.HaltServer while deploying to google cloud run for a python application

Here is my dockerfile. I am trying to deploy this image to google cloud run using below two command 1. gcloud builds submit --tag

How to expose the docker container ip to the external network?

i want to expose the container ip to the external network where the host is running so that i can directly ping the docker container ip from an external machine

Stopping Vmmem from using RAM

I am using Docker to run some containers on Windows 10, and when I was done I noticed an application named vmmem was using almost all of my ram: ~12GB. Accordin

Unable to build a docker image in a Bitbucket pipeline

When I try to build an image for my application, an image that relies upon buildkit, I receive an error: failed to dial gRPC: unable to upgrade to h2c, received