Category "twitter-bootstrap"

Safari CSS relative parent & relative child with pseudo selector does not match other browsers output

I am not looking for an answer to fix the code, moreso an answer or explanation as to why. Safari will render children elements with a relative parent in a comp

Bootstrap modal dialog is disabled in a project where Material modules are added

I am transferring my Bootstrap based Angular 11 project to Material based. Menu, Sidenav and new Material based components are working well. However my old Boot

How to align right in BootStrap 5.0 for the components?

I am actually trying to do this online course and in that the instructor uses Bootstrap 4, but I decided I could do BootStrap 5.1. I am trying to make my naviga

How to select a Bootstrap class in JavaScript in order to perform style changes on it

I am trying to access a Bootstrap card element so that I can hide its display when I use a search function. Currently I access the element inside the card in my

Visual Studio Code Snippets

I am just wondering how do I create my own custom snippets in visual studio code to make my workflow more productive. This one is specifically for linking my bo

Why do I lose bootstrap styling when passing variables through URL in Flask?

When I pass a variable in Flask my Bootstrap styling doesn't work. If I use a normal app route without the variable the styling works. The relevant code is as f

Multiple Carousels per Page Bootstrap 5

I'm having trouble getting multiple Bootstrap carousels to function properly on one page. I know that Bootstrap says to set unique IDs for each new carousel, bu

Bootstrap get priority over my CSS - with correct implementation order

I've linked bootstrap's css file first. I've linked my css file second. Why does bootstrap gets priority over my css?? I've played with the file order, there

Bootstrap validation in a dual-purpose form not working

I have a form that is used for both Adding and Editing an Organisation. If the form is in Add mode (default) then you also create a default Admin user as part o

Navbar fixed left - Bootstrap

I am trying to make navbar in bootstrap to be fixed left, like on this link. Anyway, it is working, but when I add block content of the leaflet map, my navbar i

Uncaught ReferenceError: bootstrap is not defined but still loaded

In my Laravel 8 project I am trying to display a Toast via the following code: app blade layout: <div class="toast" id="toast" role="alert" aria-live="as

Using Bootstrap Icons in Rails 6 with Webpacker

I wanted to use Bootstrap icons in beta "Official open source SVG icon library for Bootstrap." This is for Bootstrap 4 in Rails

bootstrap 5 dropdown-menu navbar streches strangly when hover on dropdown-ul-items

My bootstrap dropdown Navbar menu acts strangely on small screens. As shown n the images below, hovering above dropdown menus pushes the other UL section below

Bootstrap - Stop container from resizing (ie shrinking) when resizing browser

I have a bootstrap container in which I have 1 row with 6 columns, like so: <div class="container-fluid m-0 p-0 bg-primary"> <div class="row">

Bootstrap 5 Carousel Slide Indicator Not Working

Currently, I am working on a carousel for a revamp of my mom's website, and everything besides the functionality of the slide indicator is working. Whenever you

How to align div to bottom inside div bootstrap

html, body, .sidebar-container, .sidebar-row { height: 100%; } .sidebar { background-color: #2C3544; } @media (min-width: 992px) { .s

How to place a circle inside a square box in css?

I have a webpage made in HTML and CSS in which I want to put a circle inside a square box. Here is the fiddle for the webpage. At this moment, I am able to ma

Bootstrap 4 invalid feedback with input group not displaying

I have been looking into Bootstrap 4 - beta, however when using .is-invalid with .input-group it doesn't seem to show up. <link href="

Bootstrap 3.3.7 "row" causing horizontal scroll bar

Ok ok, I know. This question has been asked a lot. But, so far, I have not found a working solution. I boiled my page down to nothing but this: <div clas

How can I change active Bootstrap tab style to underline?

Bootstrap nav tab how to change active tab to underline? This is my code. // Bootstrap Handles The Javascript // Add css to underline the active tab <l