Category "delegates"

Subscriber don't receive delegate

Sorry if I bother again with a silly delegates-related question... I'll try to be as precise as possible. I have this situation: Object A + Script A, Object B,D

How to unsubscribe from an event inside of the gamemanager?

In my GameManager script I have a delegate. In my Door script, I subscribe to this delegate. I've tried unsubscribing from it in both the OnDisable and OnDestro

How we test Delegate Scope Feature in android management api

I am not able to test this Delegate Scope Feature can any

Delegate/Protocol doesn't work: pass Array from TableViewController to parent ViewController

I have a parent ViewController (SearchViewController) which segues to a TableViewController (FilterTableViewController) where the User can select persons in the

Automatically delegating all methods of a java class

Say I have a class with many of public methods: public class MyClass { public void method1() {} public void method2() {} (...) public void met

Failed compile delegate Raspbian

i trying to compile the latest ver of Delegate on my rpi3 with this tuto (i use raspbian): but i have