Category "deep-learning"

LSTM model fails

enter image description here model = Sequential() model.add(LSTM(units=32, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(training.shape[1],1))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) mo

Identify table grid in image

I have to identify the table grid in this image and change it to Grimson red color. I am a beginner in image processing. img_arr = mpimg.imread("1.jpg") plt.

What is the meaning of "trainable_weights" in Keras?

If I freeze my base_model with trainable=false, I get strange numbers with trainable_weights. Before freezing my model has 162 trainable_weights. After freezin

What is the meaning of "trainable_weights" in Keras?

If I freeze my base_model with trainable=false, I get strange numbers with trainable_weights. Before freezing my model has 162 trainable_weights. After freezin

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "sequential_5" (type Sequential)

I am following this course : TensorFlow Developer Certificate in 2022: Zero to Mastery This is the following code : # Set random seed tf.random.set_seed(42) #

How can one use the RemoveIsolatedNodes transform in Pytorch Geometric?

I am trying to run a graph classification problem in pytorch-geometric and I see that some of my graphs contain isolated nodes (which can cause problems). For e

Custom Loss Function returning - InvalidArgumentError: The second input must be a scalar, but it has shape [64]

I'm trying to use a modified version of this custom loss and I'm getting the error below InvalidArgumentError: The second input must be a scalar, but it has sh

labels and the predictions of multiclass images images Index Error: list index out of range

I am training a CNN with an dataset of images that consists of 2410 RGB images and belongs to two categories, i.e., crops and another is grass. After training t

How to get rid of the KeyError: 'names'

I was trying to make a program that can make classification between runway and taxiway using mask rcnn. after importing custom dataset in json format I am getti

How to make Intel GPU available for processing through pytorch?

I'm using a laptop which has Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520. Does anyone know how to it set up for Deep Learning, specifically Pytorch? I have seen if you ha

What are these 2 files in the CenterNet MobileNetV2 from the Tensorflow OD model zoo?, Do we need them?

Do we need these files?, The Tensorflow Doc don't say anything about them

How to acquire's shape?

I know dataset has output_shapes, but it shows like below: data_set: DatasetV1Adapter shapes: {item_id_hist: (?, ?), tags: (?, ?), client_platform: (?,), en

The method np_utils.to_categorical give me an error

np_utils.to_categorical Keras method give me an error when i gived it a a vector of [962] element which contain 3 classes [1,1,1,...,2,2,2,...3,3,3]. The used

How to split a Keras model, with a non-sequential architecture like ResNet, into sub-models?

My model is a resnet-152 i wanna cutting it into two submodels and the problem is with the second one i can't figure out how to build a model from an intermedi

Moving averaging of Loss during Training in Keras

I am using Keras with TensorFlow to implement a deep neural network. When I plot the loss and number of iterations, there is a significant jump in loss after ea

How to predict the stock price for the next 30 days after the LSTM model has predicted the test_set?

I've used a data-set containing closing price of a particular stock for 5 years.It has closing prices for 1231 days. The train_set consists of 987 days and the

Training Yolov5 on RTX 3060 Ti GPU I'm getting error "RuntimeError: Unable to find a valid cuDNN algorithm to run convolution"

Training Yolov5 with --img 8088 and batch size 16 on RTX 3060 Ti GPU using the following command python --img 1088 --batch 16 --epochs 3 --data coco12

How to do gradient clipping in pytorch?

What is the correct way to perform gradient clipping in pytorch? I have an exploding gradients problem.

When using padding in sequence models, is Keras validation accuracy valid/ reliable?

I have a group of non zero sequences with different lengths and I am using Keras LSTM to model these sequences. I use Keras Tokenizer to tokenize (tokens start

One box object detection

I am using a faster rcnn model to predict one object in an image. There can only be one object in each image. Is it possible to force Faster Rcnn to train and p