Category "django-staticfiles"

Why static files are not loading? | Django

I'm trying to load static files, but it's showing following error: GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found) - home:2

How to find static files using regex in django in view?

I have django project that has a staticfile with the structure staticfiles/bundles/static/js/main.[hash of 8 random characters].js I want to get the name of mai

Static file doesn't exist and html-file doesn't work properly

output: 'static' in the STATICFILES_DIRS setting does not exist. I've tried os.path.join(BASE_DIR, '/static'), but it is doesn't work. I didn't have this probl

How to make static directory in Django

I created static directory which included css and image files in my Django project. When I run my project the css do display("GET /static/website/barber.css HTT

custom static files not loading in django project

I have a django project where I have kept all the static files in a project level static directory. I have included STATIC_URL = "/static/" STATIC_ROOT = os.pat

CSS static file is not loading in Django

I am learning Django and i tried to implement a blog app . i am getting an error while using the static files inside project.i know, There are lot of questions

the css in my django project is not working

Please help me out. I don't get any errors in my css file or in finding it, but still the style i would like is not shown. my css file body { background-color

Not all files called with django static appear

I have index.html file in template file and I have js, css, image, files in my static file. I am writing the codes correctly, but the site does not appear prope

Django Not Found: /assets/js/main.js How Can I Solve this?

This is the error I am facing Not Found: /assets/vendor/venobox/venobox.css Not Found: /assets/vendor/boxicons/css/boxicons.min.css Not Found: /assets/vendor/ow

Django STATIC FILES not loading in actual Production

I have tried many things to solve this like adding whitenoise middleware, also added STATICFILES_DIRS = [], added mimetypes for css in file CSS/JS W

Cannot get images to load in django

I cannot get an image to load in Django by following the documentation. I have the following directory structure: And here is a snippet of my code within backe

Django's static() function to retrieve static file gives no such file -error

I'm doing a project with Django with the following structure: /project /cv /static /configuration configuration.json So a project w

runserver can't serve media if MEDIA_URL is within STATIC_URL

My config is as follows: STATIC_URL = '/static/' MEDIA_URL = '/static/media/' And since I upgraded django 2.1 to 2.2 I get: "runserver can't serve media if

What's the point of Django's collectstatic?

In Django, the convention is to put all of your static files (i.e css, js) specific to your app into a folder called static. So the structure would look like th

ValueError: Missing staticfiles manifest entry for 'favicon.ico'

I'm getting a ValueError when running python test. My project is named fellow_go, and I'm currently working on an App called pickup. Please note that

django static file not loading

I have problem that i done every thing as described in tutorial and every thing also running fine but cs

Static File Hosting, WhiteNoise not Updating - Django

I have a Django website in production and a while back I successfully hosted my static files using Whitenoise so I could use them in production. Now a few month

404 (Not Found) for CSS files

I am running a django app and I want to import a third-party stylesheet from my node_modules. But my django app is looking in the wrong directory and throws a 4

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk not serving django static files

I am trying to put up a simple django app on elastic beanstalk. I thought I had the static parts of the app figured out as it works with heroku and on a server

Django: serving static file on debug=false

I know this question was asked many times, but none of the answers i found and tried helped me. Those are my static files settings: STATIC_ROOT = os.path.absp