Category "debugging"

Hibernate PessimisticLockingFailureException Occurring at a particular time everyday

I have a Spring Boot application and hibernate exception comes every day at a particular time at night. The exception is : could not execute statement; SQL [n/a

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:androidJdkImage

I am trying to build flutter apk on debug mode from android studio. Flutter run I get this error: Launching lib/main.dart on sdk gphone x86 arm in debug mode...

XDebug not working in VScode for php debugging

PHP debugging in vscode using xdebug and xampp is not working even after all configurations. here is my php.ini file config: zend_extension = D:\Xampp\php\e

Error in console: ng.probe is not a function

Yesterday I updated Angular CLI and core to 8.0.0v. After that I successfully initialized a new app and ran it. Once the app was built and served on localhost:4

Why all java utils for dumping heap are not working? How to dump heap?

I'm tired to trying to dump java heap when I need it. Any time when I could do that none of utils are not able to do that. I'm trying jmap, jvisualvm, jconsole,

How to step through suspend function calls when debugging Kotlin coroutines

How is it possible to debug Kotlin code when stepping into or out of a "suspend" function? (see example below). fun mainFunction() = runBlocking { println

Step over , step into and step buttons are disabled in chrome browser (debugging mode)

I am trying to debug java script in chrome. But i see that step over , step into and step buttons are disabled hence i am unable to continue with debugging.

How to add debug symbols to build.gradle

I have created android build of my Flutter application. Then I created an internal testing release. It is showing a warning This App Bundle contains native cod

Plugin "react" was conflicted between "package.json

Every time when i change on JSX. This error throw on my terminal and project UI. Plugin "react" was conflicted between "package.json » eslint-config-reac

How to fix EXC_CRASH (SIGKILL) watchdog termination?

I am running into a watchdog termination crash. After watching this WWDC session and reading the relevant documentation about watchdog crashes, I suspect there

gdb <error reading variable> for any string object

Lets take this very simple program here for example: // test.cpp #include <string> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { strin

How to prevent Run/Debug window to show whenever I start debugging in VSCode

Whenever I start debugging my node.js project that run/debug window auto expands. Then I manually have to hide it (ctrl/cmd+B). This interrupts my flow whenever

Unable to retrieve the correct value from a list of object within object

I am quite new to javascript and I've been struggling with this type of challenge. I understand the problem and implement a logic to solve the issue but I am un

Unable to retrieve the correct value from a list of object within object

I am quite new to javascript and I've been struggling with this type of challenge. I understand the problem and implement a logic to solve the issue but I am un

How to debug in WooCommerce 3+

I am creating a custom shipping method for Woocommerce using this tutorial but I am having issues deb

Passing spaces in arguments for Visual Studio Pro 2019

I am trying to debug a command line program inside Visual Studio. I am sharing my configuration with another machine using Box. The paths I am passing have sp

How do I debug a nextjs production build?

I have a bug (this one) that only happens in production, on the client side. Next.js by default silences all error messages in production, and turns off all log

[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node'

I'm receiving the following error messages in my Vue web app occasionally but when it does happen, it completely halts my app. Error msg 1: [Vue warn]: Err

ERROR: Failed to create project. See firebase-debug.log for more info

i Found 0 Firebase projects. ✔ Enter a project id for your new Firebase project (e.g. my-cool-project) · onoja i New Firebase project onoja create

GDB in Visual Studio Code Debugging bar disabled

I am trying to debug Assembly x86 in Visual Studio Code but all the stepping buttons are disabled I am using this extension